Signs of a Vitamin D Deficiency and Natural Remedies

vitamin d deficiencyGreetings to you,

Here are some of the most recent studies done on vitamin D deficiency and its role in supporting good health:

1. Vitamin D and Insomnia: One study on vitamin D supplements for people with insomnia was published in the journal “Medical Hypothesis”. The researchers followed 1500 patients over a 2 year period. A consistent level of vitamin D3 was maintained in their blood over many months. This produced normal sleep in most of the participants, regardless of their type of sleep disorder.

2. Vitamin D and Muscle Strength: Researchers in Brazil conducted a research trial and at the conclusion, the women who received the placebo ended up having reduced muscle mass and muscle degeneration of 6.8%.  They also had twice as many falls as the vitamin D group.  On the other hand, the women who took the vitamin D supplement had a major increase in their muscle strength of over 25%.

3. Vitamin D and Autoimmune Disease: A study from the Journal of Investigative Medicine found that vitamin D has important functions beyond those of supporting calcium and bones in the body.  It concluded that vitamin D is a boost to immunity and a deficiency of the vitamin is common in autoimmune disease – a disease where the body’s immune system attacks healthy cells by mistake. These include multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes and inflammatory bowel disease.

4.Vitamin D Inhibits Inflammation: ScienceDaily reports that researchers have discovered specific molecular and cellular events by which vitamin D inhibits inflammation in the body. Conditions with chronic inflammation include asthma, ulcers, arthritis, gum disease and liver disease.

5. How to Increase Vitamin D Levels: The vitamin D council recommends exposing as much of the skin surfaces as possible to sunlight for around half the time it takes for the skin to turn pink and begin to burn.  For a fair, light skinned person, this could be fifteen minutes.  For a dark skinned person, this may take a couple hours. During this time, the body may produce 10,000 to 25,000 vitamin D units. If a person is unable to get adequate sun exposure, then taking a vitamin D3 supplement is encouraged.

Good health to you,

Jobee Knight
Nutrition Breakthroughs
Maker of Sleep Minerals II with calcium, magnesium and vitamin D

This natural health news is provided by Nutrition Breakthroughs, a publisher of nutrition articles and supplier of effective natural remedies since 2001. Nutrition breakthroughs makes Sleep Minerals II, the effective natural sleep aid with calcium, magnesium, zinc and vitamin D, and also Joints and More, the natural solution for joint relief, aches and pains, stronger hair and nails and more energy.

New Menopause Study: Vitamin D Builds Muscle

Research studies on the benefits of vitamin D for postmenopausal women have had conflicting results, with some showing no benefit and others showing great benefits for muscle, bone, reduced falls and lower fracture risk.

Now a new study has emerged from researchers in Sao Paulo Brazil which has conclusively shown that vitamin D supplements can reduce loss of muscle, increase muscle strength, and lessen the risk of falls after menopause.

Vitamin D is known as the “Sunshine Vitamin” because spending time outdoors in the sun is known to increase vitamin D levels in the body via the skin.

Our ancestors spent a considerable amount of their time outdoors, but for the first time in history, large amounts of the world population spend most of their time inside their offices and homes.  This has lead to a widespread vitamin D deficiency.  Spending some time in the sun a few days a week is good, and when taking supplements, vitamin D3 is the best form.

Besides strengthening muscle and bone, researchers have also discovered that vitamin D helps to regulate the sleep-wake cycle and its deficiency has a role in the current global epidemic of sleep disorders. This makes vitamin D a vital benefit in insomnia, which is another condition that can often plague menopausal women.

The newest vitamin D study from Brazil focused on muscle strength in postmenopausal women and took place over a nine-month period.  It was a placebo controlled trial and was double-blinded – which means that neither the participants nor the researchers knew which women received the vitamin D and which didn’t.

Three types of tests were used to measure muscle strength: A chair rising test that measured leg strength when standing up from a chair, a total body x-ray, and a hand-grip test.

At the conclusion of the trial, the women who received the placebo ended up having reduced muscle mass and muscle degeneration of 6.8%.  They also had twice as many falls as the vitamin D group.  On the other hand, the women who took the vitamin D supplement had a major increase in their muscle strength of over 25% — even when taken 12 years after menopause. The results of the research were presented at the annual meeting of the North American Menopause Society.

Dr. L.M Cangussu of the Botucatu Medical School at Sao Paulo State University in Brazil said: “We concluded that the supplementation of Vitamin D alone provided significant protection against the occurrence of sarcopenia, which is a degenerative loss of skeletal muscle.”

Vitamin D has many vital roles in the health of the body, including supporting the heart, brain and nerves.  Additionally, a study from the Journal of Investigative Medicine found that vitamin D is a strong boost to immunity and that deficiency is common in autoimmune disease – a group of diseases where the body’s immune system attacks healthy cells by mistake. These include multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes and inflammatory bowel disease.

Some good vitamin D-rich foods include cod liver oil, sardines, salmon, mackerel, eggs and herring. The best supplement form to take is vitamin D3, as this is the natural form made by the sun on skin, rather than D2.

This natural health news is provided by Nutrition Breakthroughs, a publisher of nutrition articles and supplier of effective natural remedies since 2001. Nutrition breakthroughs makes Sleep Minerals II, the effective natural sleep aid with calcium, magnesium and vitamin D3.

Insomnia Remedies: Studies Confirm Calcium and Magnesium Effective

According to the National Sleep Foundation (NSF), almost six out of ten Americans report having insomnia and sleep problems at least a few nights a week.

Insomnia is defined as “An inability to fall asleep or remain asleep long enough to feel rested, especially when the problem continues over time.”

In an effort to combat this, as many as 25 percent of the people in the United States use medications to help them sleep. Most sleeping pills, especially when taken over long periods of time, can have multiple side effects.

The drugs stay in the bloodstream, give a hangover effect the next day and beyond, and can increase the risk of car and work accidents. They also impair memory and performance on the job and at home.

From a nutritional perspective, several research studies have shown certain minerals to be an effective natural insomnia remedy to help people fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night. James F. Balch, M.D., author of Prescription for Nutritional Healing, writes: “A lack of the nutrients calcium and magnesium will cause you to wake up after a few hours and not be able to return to sleep.”

Calcium is directly related to our cycles of sleep. In one study, published in the European Neurology Journal, researchers found that calcium levels in the body are higher during some of the deepest levels of sleep, such as the rapid eye movement (REM) phase.

The study concluded that disturbances in sleep, especially the absence of REM deep sleep or disturbed REM sleep, are related to a calcium deficiency. Restoration to the normal course of sleep was achieved following the normalization of the blood calcium level.

William Sears, M.D. writes: “Calcium helps the brain use the amino acid tryptophan to manufacture the sleep-inducing substance melatonin. This explains why dairy products, which contain both tryptophan and calcium, are one of the top sleep-inducing foods.”

In magnesium deficiency, chronic insomnia is one of the main, central symptoms. Sleep is usually agitated with frequent nighttime awakenings. On the other hand, a high magnesium, low aluminum diet has been found to be associated with deeper, less interrupted sleep. This was proven in a study done by James Penland at the Human Nutrition Research Center in North Dakota.

It’s important to note that a balanced ratio of calcium and magnesium is important to overall health, and that these two minerals should be taken together in a two to one ratio (twice as much calcium as magnesium) for best results.

Jobee Knight, a nutritional researcher and founder of Nutrition Breakthroughs in Glendale California, is someone who fought her own battle against sleeplessness and insomnia. She decided to put her background to use by searching out effective natural insomnia remedies for relaxation and deeper sleep.

The result was Sleep Minerals II, a sleep remedy that contains highly absorbable forms of calcium and magnesium, combined with vitamin D and zinc.  The ingredients are formulated in a softgel with healthy oils, making them more quickly absorbable than tablets or capsules and providing a deeper, longer-lasting sleep.

Richard P. of Parkville, Maryland says: *The Sleep Minerals are making quite a difference.  I was regularly waking up at around 3:00 a.m. and couldn’t go back to sleep. Now I wake up once to go to the bathroom, but the great thing is, I then fall back asleep and sleep several more hours.*

Valerie H. of Santa Clarita, California says: *I had such bad menopause insomnia, it took me hours to fall asleep even though I was extremely tired. After a week of taking the Sleep Minerals it started to work really well. I fall asleep now within 20 minutes.*

For more information on Sleep Minerals II, click here.

Top 10 Nutrition Facts Everyone Agrees on – Nutrition Breakthroughs

nutrition articlesBy Kris Gunnars, CEO and Founder of Authority Nutrition, BSc (Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine)

Shared by Nutrition Breakthroughs,
maker of the effective calcium and magnesium based sleep aid Sleep Minerals II *********************************************

There is a lot of controversy in nutrition and it often seems like people can’t agree on anything.

But there are a few exceptions to this.

Here are the top 10 nutrition facts that everyone actually agrees on (well, almost everyone…).

1. Added Sugar is a Disaster

We all know that added sugar is bad.

Some think sugar is a simple matter of “empty” calories, while others believe it to cause diseases that kill millions of people each year.

It is definitely true that added sugar (sucrose and high fructose corn syrup) contains empty calories.

There are no nutrients in it and if you eat a lot of sugar then you’re likely to become deficient because you aren’t getting enough foods that actually have nutrients in them.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg.

There are other, much more serious dangers of sugar that are now reaching mainstream attention.

Sugar, mainly due to the high fructose content, is being implicated as a leading cause of obesity, cardiovascular disease and type II diabetes.

How does fructose do this?

Well, fructose is metabolized strictly by the liver, over time causing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, insulin resistance, elevated triglycerides, abdominal obesity and high cholesterol.

Then fructose makes our brains resistant to a hormone called leptin, which effectively makes our brains WANT to get fat.

This way, eating an excess of added sugars sets up a relentless biochemical drive in the brain to keep eating sugar, getting fatter and eating even more sugar.

Bottom Line: Added sugar provides empty calories and is believed to be a leading cause of diseases that kill millions of people each year.

2. Omega-3 Fats Are Crucial and Most People Don’t Get Enough


Omega-3 fatty acids are extremely important for proper functioning of the human body.

For example, DHA, an Omega-3 fatty acid derived from animals, makes up about 40% of the polyunsaturated fats in the brain. (Polyunsaturated fats are essential fatty acids which the brain needs tor good function.  Essential fatty acids are those not made by the body, but need to be supplied by food).

Being deficient in Omega-3 (very common) is associated with a lower IQ, depression, various mental disorders, heart disease and many other serious diseases.

There are three main sources of Omega-3 fats… ALA (from plants mostly), DHA and EPA (from animals).

The plant form, ALA, needs to get transformed into DHA or EPA in order to function correctly in the human body.

There is some evidence that this conversion process is ineffective in humans.

Therefore, it is best to get Omega-3 fats from animal sources… including fish, grass-fed meat, Omega-3 enriched or pastured eggs, or fish oil.

Bottom Line: A large part of the population is Omega-3 deficient. Avoiding a deficiency in these essential fatty acids can help prevent many diseases.

3. There is no Perfect Diet For Everyone


We are all unique… and subtle differences in genetics, body type, culture and environment can affect which type of diet we should eat.

Some people do best on a low-carb diet while others may do fine on a vegetarian high-carb diet.

The fact is, what works for one person may not work for the next.

To figure out what you should do, a little self experimentation may be needed.

Try a few different things until you find something that you enjoy and that you think you can stick to. Different strokes for different folks!

Bottom Line: The best diet for YOU is the one you get results with and that you can stick to in the long term.

4. Artificial Trans Fats Are Very Unhealthy and Should be Avoided


Trans fats are also known as partially hydrogenated oils.

They are made by mixing unsaturated fats with hydrogen gas at a high heat to make them resemble saturated fats.

This process is very disgusting and it amazes me to think that someone thought these fats would be suitable for human consumption.

Trans fats raise the bad cholesterol and lower the good cholesterol, cause abdominal obesity, inflammation and insulin resistance.

In the long term, consumption of trans fats raises the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, depression and many more diseases.

I recommend you avoid trans fats as if your life depended on it.

Bottom Line: Trans Fats are chemically processed fats that cause all sorts of damage in the body. You should avoid them like the plague.

5. Eating Vegetables Will Improve Your Health


Vegetables are good for you.

They are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants and an endless variety of trace nutrients that science has just begun to uncover.

In observational studies, eating vegetables is associated with improved health and a lower risk of disease.

I recommend that you eat a variety of vegetables each day.

They are healthy, fulfilling and add variety to the diet.

Bottom Line: Vegetables are rich in all sorts of nutrients. Eating vegetables each day is associated with improved health and a lower risk of disease.

6. It is Critical to Avoid a Vitamin D Deficiency


Vitamin D is a unique vitamin. It actually functions as a steroid hormone in the body.

The skin makes Vitamin D when it is exposed to ultraviolet rays from the sun.

This is how we got most of our daily requirement throughout evolution.

However, today a large part of the world is deficient in this critical nutrient.

In many places, the sun simply isn’t available throughout most of the year.

Even where there is sun, people tend to stay inside a lot and use sunscreen when they go out, but sunscreen effectively blocks Vitamin D generation in the skin.

If you’re Vitamin D deficient, then you’re actually deficient in a major hormone in the body, and a deficiency is associated with many serious diseases, including diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis and others.

The best way to know is to see a doctor and have your blood levels measured.

Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to get enough Vitamin D from the diet.

If getting more sun is not an option, taking a Vitamin D supplement or a tablespoon of cod fish liver oil each day is the best way to prevent/reverse a deficiency.

Bottom Line: Vitamin D is a crucial hormone in the body and many people are deficient in it. Reversing a deficiency can have powerful health benefits.

7. Refined Carbohydrates Are Bad For You


There are a lot of differing opinions about carbs and fat.

Some think fat is the root of all evil, while others believe carbs are the key players in obesity and other chronic diseases.

But what pretty much everyone agrees on is that refined carbohydrates are at the very least worse than unrefined (complex) carbohydrates.

There are some nutrients in high-carb foods like grains that can be beneficial.

However, when you process the grains you remove most of the nutrients and then there’s nothing left but the bad stuff, massive amounts of easily digestible glucose.

Eating refined carbs will cause rapid spikes in blood sugar, followed by a surge of insulin in the blood which triggers fat  storage and contributes to insulin resistance and various diseases like obesity and diabetes.

I personally don’t think that grains are necessary at all, the nutrients in them can be acquired from other healthier and more nutritious foods in greater amounts.

But it is very clear that whole grains and unrefined carbohydrates are at least a lot better than their refined, processed counterparts.

Bottom Line: Refined carbohydrates like processed grains are unhealthy. They are lacking in nutrients and lead to rapid spikes in blood sugar and insulin, which can cause all sorts of problems down the line.

8. Supplements Can Never Fully Replace Real Foods


“Nutritionism” is the idea that foods are nothing more than the sum of their individual nutrients.

It is a trap that many nutrition enthusiasts tend to fall into.

But it’s simply not true.

Nuts, for example, aren’t just shells loaded with Omega-6 fatty acids in the same way that fruits aren’t just watery bags of fructose.

No, these are real foods with a massive variety of trace nutrients.

The vitamins and minerals, the ones you can also get from a cheap multivitamin, are just a small part of the total amount of nutrients in foods.

Therefore, supplements… at least the supplements we have today, are NOT able to replace the nutrients you get from real foods.

Now I will admit that supplements can be beneficial, especially for nutrients that are generally lacking in the diet like Vitamin D and Magnesium.

But no amount of supplements will ever make up for a bad diet. Not a chance.

Bottom Line: It is much more important to eat real, nutritious foods than to count on supplements to provide the nutrients you need.

9. “Diets” Don’t Work, a Lifestyle Change is Necessary


“Diets” are ineffective. That is a fact.

They may lead to short-term results, but as soon as you start eating junk food again you will gain the weight back. And then some.

This is called yo-yo dieting and is extremely common.

Most people that lose a lot of weight on a diet end up gaining it back whenever they “stop” the diet.

For this reason, the only thing that can give you actual long-term results is to adopt a lifestyle change.

Bottom Line: Adopting a healthy lifestyle is the only way to ensure long term weight loss and a lifetime of improved health.

10. Unprocessed Food is Healthiest


Processed food is unhealthy.

As the food system has become more industrialized, the health of the population has deteriorated.

During food processing, many of the beneficial nutrients in the food are removed.

Not only do they remove healthy nutrients like fiber, but they also add other very harmful ingredients like added sugar, trans fats and refined wheat.

Additionally, processed foods are loaded with all sorts of artificial chemicals that have absolutely NOT been proven safe for long term human consumption.

Basically, processed foods have less of the good stuff and a LOT more of the bad stuff.

The most important thing you can do to ensure optimal health is to “eat real food.”

If it looks like it was made in a factory, don’t eat it!


This health news is shared by Nutrition Breakthroughs, a publisher of nutrition articles and supplier of effective natural remedies since 2002. Nutrition Breakthroughs makes the original calcium and magnesium based sleep aid Sleep Minerals II.

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The Candida Diet: Natural Food Remedies

candida dietThe Candida Diet: Natural Food Remedies

What is Candida? It is one of the natural microscopic organisms that live in our intestines and mouth. Candida is a yeast-like fungus that has the role of helping to digest food.

Normally the stomach has an abundance of healthy bacteria that keep Candida under control, but an overgrowth can take place if a person eats a lot of sugar or highly processed foods, takes birth control pills, drinks alcohol or takes antibiotics.

Researchers have been on the trail of natural options in order to provide people who have Candida overgrowth with some alternatives to antifungal drugs. In fact, studies have revealed several natural remedies. How can a person know if they have Candida overgrowth? Some of the signs and symptoms include trouble focusing, chronic fatigue, depression, insomnia, stomach gas, congestion, allergies, recurring yeast or urinary tract infections, headaches and joint pain.

One of the top proven remedies for Candida is Turmeric. Turmeric is frequently used in Asian dishes and curry powders and it gives these their bright yellow color.  Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric that provides its many health benefits. One research study on turmeric comes from the Canadian Journal of Microbiology.  The researchers found that turmeric is effective against fourteen different strains of Candida.

Probiotics such as the healthy bacteria found in yogurt, have been found to combat Candida.  Physiology is the study of the normal functions of living organisms and their parts. A leading journal of physiology reported that probiotic therapy is successful in treating fungal colonization of the intestinal tract.  More specifically, acidophilus heals fungal infection, as well as the accompanying stomach inflammation.

Coconut oil was proven in a recent animal study in Massachusetts to reduce the amount of Candida in the gut by more than 90%. The researches emphasized that antifungal drugs can be used to decrease and control Candida and prevent it from spreading to the bloodstream, but repeated use of antifungal drugs can lead to drug resistant-strains of fungal diseases. “Food can be a powerful ally in reducing the risk of disease,” said Alice Lichtenstein at Tufts University in Massachusetts.

Hippocrates, the “Father of Medicine”, sums this up the best when he said: “Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food”.

This natural health news is provided by Nutrition Breakthroughs, a publisher of nutrition articles and a supplier of effective natural remedies since 2002. Nutrition Breakthroughs makes the original calcium and magnesium based natural sleep aid Sleep Minerals II, as well as Joints and More, the natural solution for joint relief, aches and pains, stronger hair and nails, and more energy.


1. Are probiotics effective in the treatment of fungal colonization of the gastrointestinal tract? Experimental and clinical studies.

2. Curcumin as a promising anticandidal of clinical interest.

Insomnia and Stress: Studies Find Sleep Remedies

insomniaSometimes the stresses, pressures and demands at work or at home can interfere with our good sleep.

Stress manifests on the physical level by an outpouring of adrenal gland hormones such as cortisol.  

The adrenal glands are two small triangular-shaped glands that sit on top of each kidney.  During those times when stress hormones are poured into the body, they can deplete our calcium levels — a mineral known to help with relaxation and good sleep.

The adrenal hormone cortisol has a stimulating effect and can promote wakefulness at the very time when one is trying to fall asleep or stay asleep during the night. Scientists have recently discovered that increased blood levels of cortisol exist in people with chronic insomnia.

In one recent study in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, investigators monitored the sleep of eleven patients with insomnia and thirteen people without sleep disorders.  Blood was collected every thirty minutes for twenty-four hours, and levels of adrenal stress hormones were monitored.

They found the level of adrenal hormones were significantly higher in the people with insomnia as opposed to the group that slept well.  The insomniacs with the highest degree of sleep disturbances produced the highest amounts of cortisol in the nighttime hours.

Another aspect is that it appears people become more sensitive to the stimulating effects of cortisol as they age.  Researchers at the Pennsylvania State University found that when both young and middle-aged men were administered a version of cortisol, the middle-aged men remained awake longer and slept less deeply than the younger ones.

This finding applies to aging women as well, who tend to experience insomnia and sleeplessness as a significant aspect of their premenopause and menopause symptoms.

From a nutritional perspective, the mineral calcium has long been known as a natural aid to relaxation and sleep and is directly related to our cycles of sleep. In one study published in the European Neurology Journal, researchers found that calcium levels in the body are higher during some of the deepest levels of sleep, such as the rapid eye movement (REM) phase.

The study concluded that disturbances in sleep, especially the absence of REM deep sleep or disturbed REM sleep, are related to a calcium deficiency. Restoration to the normal course of sleep was achieved following the normalization of the blood calcium level.

Research in the American Journal of Physiology reveals that in the presence of elevated cortisol levels, the amount of calcium is rapidly reduced in the body.

Studies have shown that calcium declines for as long as the cells are exposed to cortisol, but promptly return to its normal level once the stress hormone is removed.  In light of recent discoveries about the relationship between stress hormones and calcium depletion, it’s likely that nighttime calcium levels can be restored and insomnia calmed by supplementing with a highly absorbable form of calcium.

One natural sleep aid that is gaining popularity due to its readily assimilated forms of calcium and magnesium is Sleep Minerals II from Nutrition Breakthroughs.

This insomnia remedy contains easily absorbed forms of calcium and magnesium mixed with healthy oils in a softgel, making it more absorbable than tablets or capsules and providing a deeper, longer-lasting sleep.   It also calms the nerves and muscles and reduces restless leg syndrome and menopause insomnia.

L.R.C. of Massachusetts says:  “Due to some very stressful issues in my life, I hadn’t slept much in two and a half months before being prescribed sleeping drugs.  I had become dependent on them and couldn’t sleep without them. I did my research on the Internet and came across Sleep Minerals II. I take these before bed and now I can sleep through the whole night without drugs. And if I do have to get up, I can fall right back asleep. Another benefit is it also helps alleviate my chronic fatigue and aches and pains.”

Some other good tips to support one’s health and well-being in stressful times include eating nourishing foods such as brightly colored vegetables and healthy proteins, taking food supplements like B complex vitamins,  vitamin C and magnesium, and doing some enjoyable daily exercise such as walking.

For more information, visit the Sleep Minerals II page.

Adrenal Fatigue: Studies Show Promising Natural Remedies

adrenal fatigue The adrenal glands, also known as the “stress glands”, are a pair of vital organs about the size of a walnut that are nestled on top of each kidney. They provide life-giving hormones such as adrenalin, cortisol, estrogen and testosterone. New studies are showing natural vitamins and minerals that can support adrenal health.

Adrenaline is made in response to emotional or physical stress: It works to prepare the body for stress by increasing the heart rate and directing energy to the muscles.   Cortisol affects metabolism, immunity and blood sugar levels. The adrenals make many other hormones, including estrogen and testosterone, and in fact they take over the production of these after middle-age.

Too much or too little adrenal hormones can result in adrenal fatigue, muscle tension, irritability, poor focus, insomnia, depression, arthritis or blood sugar imbalances. Research studies are discovering that the B vitamins, vitamin C and magnesium have the ability to support adrenal function, overall health, and reduce the symptoms of stress.

B Vitamins

Vitamin B-5, also known as pantothenic acid, is used by the adrenal gland as a key component to manufacture its hormones and a deficiency of B-5 can result in impaired adrenal function. In a study from a Russian medical journal, the researchers examined the effects of vitamin B-5 and found that one single dose had a significant effect on the adrenals by increasing hormone production and gland functioning.

Folic acid (vitamin B-8) and cobalamin (vitamin B-12) have also been studied for their effects on adrenal health. To do this, researchers from the Dept. of Medicine in Lund Sweden injected cortisol into 30 healthy young males for only four days and found that their levels of B-8 and B-12 were significantly depleted.

These findings show that in the presence of excess stress hormones, B vitamins are removed from the body.  Foods and supplements high in B vitamins can reduce the effects of stress.

Because all the B vitamins work together as a team, it’s important to take a supplement that contains them all in a complex,  to avoid  creating deficiencies in any not taken.

The full B complex includes Vitamin B1 (thiamine), Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (niacin or nicotinic acid), Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), Vitamin B7 (biotin), Vitamin B9 (folic acid) and Vitamin B12 (cobalamin).

Foods high in B complex vitamins include nuts, seeds, eggs, berries, meat, organ meat, fish, poultry, whole grains and leafy vegetables.

Vitamin C

The adrenal glands are “endocrine glands” – meaning one of those that produce hormones and put them directly into the bloodstream to be carried to target organs a distance away. From the journal “Endocrine Research” comes a review of vitamin C and its effects on adrenal function.

The researchers note that the highest amounts of vitamin C in the body are found in the adrenals and the vitamin is used to make all of the adrenal hormones. When one is faced with stress, vitamin C is rapidly used up to make cortisol.  From a review of cell culture studies and other research, they conclude that vitamin C deficiency creates lowered adrenal hormones; an inability to keep them stored, and impaired adrenal cell health. Vitamin C is another crucial one to take for adrenal health.


From the journal “Medical Hypotheses” comes an article called “Rapid Recovery from Major Depression Using Magnesium Treatment”. The writer notes that magnesium deficiency can be caused by eating processed foods, by the action of the stress hormones (which push magnesium out of the cells), and from consuming an improper ratio of calcium to magnesium in the diet. Case histories are mentioned that show recovery from major depression in less than seven days by using 125 mg. to 300 mg. of magnesium with each meal and at bedtime.

Moderate Exercise

A study from the journal “Expert Review of Endocrinology Metabolism” reviewed the role of exercise as a modifier of stress. The study notes that emotional, environmental and other stresses can have long lasting ill effects on one’s health, and that regular amounts of moderate daily exercise (in combination with good nutrition) can enhance and improve the treatment of stress-related health problems. Because fatigue goes along with adrenal issues, it’s best to pick those times during the day when one’s energy is at high points to do some exercise.

General Adrenal Health Tips

Some good general tips for supporting the adrenals would be to reduce sugars, desserts, fast foods, caffeine, unhealthy oils and fried foods in the diet. Focus on salads, vegetables and healthy proteins like fish, turkey and grass-fed beef. Include oils like olive oil, coconut oil, flax oil, walnuts, pecans, pumpkin seeds and avocados. Get some time outside in the sun each day and do some walking or other moderate exercise daily.

This health news is shared with you by Nutrition Breakthroughs, a provider of nutrition articles and effective natural remedies since 2001. Nutrition Breakthroughs makes the original calcium and magnesium based natural sleep aid Sleep Minerals II. Because the minerals in Sleep Minerals II are in a highly absorbable softgel form, they also help with stress relief, relaxation, restless leg syndrome and more. For more information, visit the Sleep Minerals II page.


References: Rapid recovery from major depression using magnesium treatment –

Vitamin C is an important cofactor for both adrenal cortex and adrenal medulla –

Stress and the neuroendocrine system: the role of exercise as a stressor and modifier of stress –

Pantothenic acid and adrenal function –

Top Natural Headache Remedies Proven Effective

Young businesswoman has splitting headache pain migrainThis news on natural headache remedies is provided by Nutrition Breakthroughs, maker of Sleep Minerals II.


Have you ever experienced a painful headache?

Many people who suffer with the pain of headaches or migraines are reaching out for natural, safe remedies, in order to avoid the side effects that can come with drugs or medications.

A headache is defined as a continuous pain in the head, whether it’s a chronic daily tension headache caused by muscle contractions or it’s a full blown migraine. A migraine is a throbbing, pounding pain that can last from a few hours to a few days. It can come from sensitivity to noise or light and often has an aspect of nausea or stomach upset.

There are a number of natural headache remedies that have been shown in studies to be effective.  Here are some of the most studied ones.

B vitamins

In a study from Griffith University in Brisbane Australia, scientists studied 52 people diagnosed with migraines. They were split into two groups and one half received a daily dose of B vitamins that included 25 milligrams of B6, 2 milligrams of folic acid (vitamin B9), and 400 micrograms of B12,  After six months, there was a significant lessening of migraine disability and symptoms from 60% to 30%. No reduction was seen in the placebo group.


The powerful active ingredient in Cayenne pepper is known as capsaicin. It is known for its ability to remedy pain and inflammation. One study on capsaicin for headache relief was published in the Clinical Journal of Pain. The researchers noted that capsaicin inhibits Substance P in the body, which is a substance that helps transmit pain signals.

Substance P is a part of what creates feelings of pain and capsaicin helps to remove it. The study found that when capsaicin was applied topically to the nasal passages, the participants found relief for headaches, whereas those taking the placebo didn’t. Capsaicin is available as a pill, skin cream or nasal spray.

Gluten free diet

In the quest for natural remedies for headaches, scientists have researched whether or not there’s a connection between migraine headaches and the gluten found in wheat, barley, rye and oats. Gluten is a protein-like substance that gives the dough from grains its elastic texture. One study from the journal “Neurology” discovered that eating a gluten-free diet brought relief from migraines to 9 out of 10 of the participants. This leads to the possibility that foods containing gluten can bring on headaches.


Studies have found that people with migraine headaches have low concentrations of magnesium in their body. The word “cephalalgia” literally means head pain or headache. In a German study of 81 migraine patients published in the journal “Cephalalgia”, 42 percent of the people taking oral magnesium had reduced both the duration and intensity of their migraine attacks. They also reduced their reliance on medications to control migraines.

Natural headache remedies can be a good first defense against headaches and migraines and they can help a person to avoid medications.

This natural health news is shared with you by Nutrition Breakthroughs, a provider of nutrition articles and effective natural remedies since 2001. Nutrition Breakthroughs, makes the original calcium and magnesium based natural sleep aid Sleep Minerals II.

L.R.C. of Massachusetts says: “I had become dependent on sleeping drugs and couldn’t sleep without them. Now I take the Sleep Minerals before bed and I can sleep through the night without drugs. I’m also able to easily fall back to sleep if I do have to get up. Another benefit is this helps alleviate my chronic fatigue and aches and pains.”

For more information on Sleep Minerals II, visit this page.

Study Shows Magnesium Increases Energy after Menopause

magnesium energyToo little magnesium in one’s diet will make the body work harder.

Most people think of calcium and phosphorus as the most important dietary components for bone health. But magnesium also plays an important role. It is involved in hundreds of biochemical reactions, many of which help keep not only bones strong, but the heart rhythm healthy and the nervous system functioning smoothly.

A study by the Agricultural Research Service of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture reveals important findings on the effects of depleted body magnesium levels on energy metabolism. Specifically, it showed that inadequate magnesium is associated with a need for increased oxygen during exercise. They found that during moderate activity, those with low magnesium levels in muscle are likely to use more energy—and therefore to tire more quickly—than those with adequate levels.

After consuming the low-magnesium diet, volunteers showed a significant overall loss of magnesium. They had lowered muscle levels of magnesium, and their red blood cells were at the low end of the normal range.

The data shows that during the low-magnesium-status phase, the postmenopausal volunteers used more oxygen during physical activity, and their heart rates increased by about 10 beats per minute. “When the volunteers were low in magnesium, they needed more energy and more oxygen to do low-level activities than when they were in adequate-magnesium status,” says Lukaski, one of the study authors.

These findings are consistent with other studies showing that too little magnesium makes the body work harder. “The effects are likely to occur in individuals with low magnesium, regardless of whether the person is athletic or sedentary,” says Lukaski.

“That means that athletes wouldn’t be able to work or train as long as they would if they had better magnesium levels. People need to eat adequate magnesium to make sure their hearts and muscles are healthy enough to meet the demands of daily living.”

Good sources of magnesium include bran muffins, pumpkin seeds, barley, buckwheat flour, yogurt, trail mix, halibut steaks, garbanzo beans, lima beans and spinach.

A note from the blog author Nutrition Breakthroughs: Magnesium is also known to be an effective natural remedy for sleeplessness and insomnia.  In a study from the University of Medical Sciences in Iran, research was done with 46 adults who were experiencing insomnia.

Taking two magnesium tablets twice a day resulted in significant increases in sleep time and reduced cortisol levels in the body, which is a stress hormone that can keep people awake. In another research study from the Human Nutrition Research Center of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, scientists found that a high magnesium diet is associated with deeper, less interrupted sleep.

This news is brought to you by Nutrition Breakthroughs and its natural sleep aid Sleep Minerals II.  Sleep Minerals II is the original magnesium and calcium based sleep aid and is known for soothing even the worst insomnia.  It helps everyone from teenagers, to women with menopause symptoms, to older seniors, to get a good night’s sleep.

Tammy M. of Meridian, Idaho says: “I was plagued with insomnia for five years and desperate for a breakthrough. Nothing has helped me more than Sleep Minerals — I’m so sold on them I could go door to door promoting them.  I’m 60 years old and have never slept so soundly.”

For more information on Sleep Minerals II visit this page.

Article Source: Agricultural Research Service

Nutrition Breakthroughs Awarded as a “Top 3 Nutrition Website” by

TrendLists is a website that reviews Internet sites in many different categories and comes up with the best three on the web in each area. Every conceivable category of interest is included. Nutrition Breakthroughs has been chosen as a “Top 3” website in the category of Nutrition Websites. According to “This is a 100% unbiased and handpicked Top3-list of the top Nutrition Websites. First of all, my editors do a lot of research and pull together a massive list of the top 100 Nutrition Websites.”

“When that’s done they try to narrow it down to only three sites which will be included in the Top3-list. This is not the easiest thing but they look for quality factors, user value, and of course also diversity when selecting the best Nutrition Websites.”

Jobee Knight, President of Nutrition Breakthroughs says: “This is a great honor and we thank TrendLists for selecting us. We designed this site from the beginning to be informative and helpful by featuring articles and studies on natural remedies that are proven to work. We prefer people use healthful solutions as opposed to drugs. Our “History of Nutrition” page is the #1 site on the web on this topic and our insomnia remedy, Sleep Minerals II, is used worldwide by people who prefer natural remedies to sleeping drugs.”

Veronica R. of British Columbia, Canada says: “Sleep Minerals II has worked wonders for me. Before I started taking it, I would fall asleep and wake up in the middle of the night and not be able to get back to sleep. When I got the product I started taking them and have had no problems going back to sleep. Now I don’t have to be awake for two or three hours every night. I’m so happy I took the chance to try it. I don’t like taking over-the-counter drugs. With Sleep Minerals II, I don’t feel sleepy at all during the day. It’s fantastic.”

The TrendLists web site describes more about their process of selection and their purpose for making people more aware of nutritional information. “The Nutrition Websites listed … are hand picked by our editors and they are all trusted and very good Nutrition Websites. Staying fit and healthy all boils down into one single most important factor – nutrition. If people know what they are eating and what they can get from the food that they eat, then they will become more conscious and knowledgeable about food. And as a result they would eat right and become fit and very healthy in the process.”

TrendLists says this about the Nutrition Breakthroughs website: “There is a part here that focuses on women’s health and there is also a portion that is just for men. The nutrition dictionary that can be found here is really very good since people can check it any time for reference. People would really learn a lot of things from this site, and this is a very good way for people to be healthy.”

To visit the Nutrition Breakthroughs website, use this link:

For more information on the effective natural insomnia remedy Sleep Minerals II, which contains highly absorbable forms of calcium and magnesium, visit