Natural Remedies for Allergies and Hay Fever

remedies for allergies
Natural Remedies for Allergies and Hay Fever 

Ahhh Chooooo!  Over twenty percent of Americans suffer from chronic allergies or hay fever. 

Many are seeking to reap the benefits from natural remedies for the sneezing, runny nose, teary eyes and scratchy throat.

Allergies are the result of the immune system’s overreaction to a normally harmless substance, such as pollen, animal hair or indoor dust mites.

Specifically, an allergy occurs when the immune system develops a sensitivity and attacks what it considers to be an invader.  When the substance enters the body, the body produces many antibodies in the blood to attack it.The antibodies then bind to a certain kind of white blood cell and this binding causes the release of histamine, a chemical in the body which causes the uncomfortable, yet familiar allergy symptoms.

Remedies for allergies that have been proven useful include Nettle Leaf, Vitamin C, Quercetin, and air ionizers.  Quercetin belongs to a class of water-soluble plant coloring agents called bioflavonoids. Bioflavonoids are found in many fruits and they aid in the absorption and metabolism of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C).

Quercetin is often recommended as a treatment for allergies and asthma.  Several test tube studies have found it beneficial in stopping the release of allergenic substances and histamine in the body (Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology).

A study of the herb nettle leaf was published in the journal “Planta Medica”.  In this study, 58% of the people experienced less symptoms of hay fever, including sneezing and itchy eyes, after taking doses of nettles for one week.

Nettle leaf is high in vitamin C and trace minerals and is a rich source of chlorophyll. Some people with allergies have experienced improvement in their symptoms after taking 1–2 grams of vitamin C per day (1,000 to 2,000 milligrams).

A buffered form of vitamin C such as calcium ascorbate may work better for allergy or asthma sufferers than regular vitamin C (per a study in American Journal of Digestive Diseases). One group of researchers proved that vitamin C reduces the tendency of the lung’s bronchial passages to go into spasm (Annals of Allergy).

Another study in China showed that people with more vitamin C in their diet had greater lung volume — meaning they could exhale more air than those eating less of the vitamin.

Negative ion therapy can be a wonderful relief to allergy sufferers and is one of the best remedies for allergies. The air we breathe contains molecules with electrical charges, both positive and negative.  These minute electrified particles called ions, affect the environment in which we live and breathe.

Researchers have shown that most of us who live, work and travel in closed spaces suffer some degree of negative ion starvation or the effects of too many positive ions.Some allergy-provoking substances, such as dust and pollen, have a positive electrical charge.

Negative ions appear to counteract the allergenic actions of these positively charged ions on respiratory tissues and people have experienced considerable relief from respiratory allergies (from the Book: The Ion Effect).  A plug-in negative ion generator can work wonders in enclosed spaces.

Allergy symptoms can be greatly reduced with the right combination of herbs, vitamins, healthy food, and healthy air.

This health news is shared by Nutrition Breakthroughs, maker of the original calcium and magnesium based sleep aid Sleep Minerals II, and Joints and More, a natural supplement for joint relief, less aches and pains, and more energy.

K. C. of Homer, New York says: “I am writing to you a true believer of Sleep Minerals II.  I never write product reviews…. good or bad.  I had originally ordered your sleep minerals product and thought I would give it a try.”

“Well I had given it to the entire family.  We ran out of it and I really thought it wasn’t working.  I quickly realized within a couple nights that without them the entire household was not falling asleep as easily as they were before!  So I immediately ordered more.  I will not let that happen again.”

To learn more about Sleep Minerals II, click here.

Sleep Foods: Almonds Contain Melatonin and Magnesium for Better Sleep

sleep foodsIn the quest for a good, restful night’s sleep with less tossing and turning, people are reaching out to learn more about natural sleep aids and sleep-inducing foods.

At the top of many sleep foods lists are almonds – a healthy food that’s high in two of the best-known sleep substances – magnesium and melatonin.

Melatonin is a hormone that’s produced by a gland located in the center of the brain. At night or in the dark, this gland naturally releases melatonin to regulate the sleep cycle. A recent study appeared in the journal Nutrients called Dietary Sources of Melatonin.

The researchers in this study say that in the realm of plant foods, nuts contain the highest amount of melatonin.  Almonds, walnuts and pistachios have good amounts of it.  The study goes on to say it’s a proven fact that melatonin concentration in human blood can significantly increase after a person eats some melatonin-containing food.

Almonds are a special nut as they contain the highest magnesium levels. One ounce of almonds, which is about a handful or 23 nuts, contains 80 milligrams of magnesium.  This is 20% of the suggested daily value of 400 milligrams.

Magnesium has the ability to promote sleep and this is thought to be linked to its actions in lessening inflammation in the body.  In a study from the University of Medical Sciences in Iran, research was done with 46 adults who were experiencing insomnia. Taking two magnesium tablets twice a day resulted in significant increases in sleep duration and reduced cortisol levels in the body.  Cortisol is a stress hormone made by the adrenal glands that can keep people awake.

A study on almonds as a sleep food for animals was reported in the Journal of Natural Medicine.  A water-based extract of almonds was used in the study.  With the almond extract, the scientists observed a significant prolongation of total sleeping time as well as significant increases in the deepest levels of sleep. The results suggest that a water-based extract of almond has significant sedative effects, which may support its therapeutic use for insomnia.

To increase magnesium in one’s diet, almonds can be eaten as a snack before bedtime and may also be used in any recipe that calls for walnuts, pecans or other nuts.  Some ideas are to include them in granola mixtures, baked goods, fruit salads, vegetables and yogurt.  Soaking raw almonds in a bowl of water overnight and drying them in the oven at low heat is known to increase their nutritional value and help with digestion, however this isn’t necessary in order to enjoy their benefits.

One magnesium-based supplement shown to be effective for insomnia is Sleep Minerals II from Nutrition Breakthroughs.  This formula contains highly absorbable forms of magnesium and calcium, which are the best minerals for sleeplessness and insomnia, as well as for menopause insomnia, teenage insomnia, heart health, restless legs syndrome and bone strength.

Sleep Minerals II also includes vitamin D and zinc and is delivered in a softgel form with healthy carrier oils, making it more quickly absorbable than tablets or capsules and providing a deeper, longer-lasting sleep.

Tammy M. of Meridian, Idaho says: “I was plagued with insomnia for five years and desperate for a breakthrough. Nothing has helped me more than Sleep Minerals II – I’m so sold on them I could go door to door promoting them.  I’m 60 years old and have never slept so soundly.”

Richard P. of Parkville, Maryland says: “The Sleep Minerals are making quite a difference.  I was regularly waking up at around 3:00 a.m. and after a few days use my sleep improved quite a lot. I wake up once a night to go to the bathroom, but the great thing is, I then fall back asleep and sleep several more hours.  This has been a great improvement.”

A healthy plan for good sleep is to make good use of magnesium-rich foods such as almonds and also include an effective magnesium and calcium supplement for natural relief of sleeplessness.

This health news is provided by Nutrition Breakthroughs, a publisher of nutrition articles and supplier of effective natural remedies since 2001. Nutrition breakthroughs makes Sleep Minerals II, the effective natural sleep aid with calcium, magnesium, zinc and vitamin D, and also Joints and More, the natural solution for joint relief, aches and pains, stronger hair and nails and more energy.

Top Foods to Remedy Insomnia and Give Better Sleep

foods to remedy insomniaInsomnia and sleeplessness are a widespread problem.  Sleep inducing foods and relaxing minerals are a first-line remedy to help people with insomnia to fall asleep faster and sleep more deeply.

Many of these foods to remedy insomnia are high in melatonin, magnesium and potassium and are supported by research studies.

Melatonin is a hormone that’s produced in the brain.  At night or in the dark, melatonin is naturally released to regulate the sleep cycle.  A recent study on the use of melatonin-rich foods for sleep appeared in the journal “Nutrients”.  The study was called “Dietary Sources of Melatonin.”

The researchers noted that nuts contain some of the highest quantities of melatonin.  Topping the list are almonds and walnuts.  Almonds deliver a two-part punch as they are also high in magnesium, a mineral known to induce sleep.

Bananas are high in both magnesium and potassium, and each of these minerals are proven to help good sleep in research studies.  The Journal “Sleep” recently reported that the use of potassium for sleep results in significant improvements in quality of sleep and less waking up during the night.

Other good sources of potassium include cooked spinach, salmon, avocado, cooked broccoli, avocado, potatoes, cantaloupe, tomatoes, peas, mushrooms, sweet potatoes and yogurt.

Those experiencing sleeplessness or insomnia should definitely include more of these healthy sources of potassium in their diet.  And even more vital than potassium, the two most famous minerals for calming insomnia are calcium and magnesium.  This is what makes warm milk one of the most popular natural sleep aids.

James F. Balch, M.D, author of Prescription for Nutritional Healing, writes that: “A lack of the nutrients calcium and magnesium will cause you to wake up after a few hours and not be able to return to sleep.”  The European Neurology Journal supports this with their study showing that the normal course of sleep can be restored by increasing calcium levels in the body.

Regarding the use of minerals for insomnia, a study called “The Nutritional Relationships of Magnesium” discusses the differences between calcium and magnesium and their effects on sleep.  The author notes that the type of insomnia associated with a calcium deficiency causes difficulty with falling asleep.

On the other hand, the classical sign of magnesium deficiency is insomnia characterized by falling asleep easily, but awakening frequently throughout the night, with individuals finding themselves tired even after several hours of sleep.

A balanced ratio of calcium to magnesium is important to overall health and the two minerals should be taken together for best results.  The best calcium and magnesium ratio is twice as much calcium as magnesium.

One natural insomnia remedy showing good results is Sleep Minerals II from Nutrition Breakthroughs.  This natural sleep aid contains potent forms of calcium and magnesium, the best known minerals for relaxation and sleep, as well as for restless leg syndrome, stomach health, teenage insomnia and menopause insomnia.  The ingredients are formulated in a softgel with healthy oils, making them more quickly absorbed than tablets or capsules and providing a deeper, longer-lasting sleep.

Richard P. of Parkville, Maryland says: “The Sleep Minerals are making quite a difference.  I was regularly waking at around 3:00 a.m. and after a few days use my sleep improved quite a lot.  I wake once a night to go to the bathroom, but the great thing is, I then fall back asleep and sleep several more hours.  This has been a great improvement.”

Sleep inducing foods and minerals are a healthy alternative to taking sleeping drugs. Make good use of them as an insomnia remedy.

Ingredients in Sleep Minerals II Proven Effective as Sleep Aids

sleep minerals IIIngredients in Sleep Minerals II Proven Effective as Natural Sleep Aids

According to the National Sleep Foundation (NSF), almost six out of ten Americans report having sleep problems and insomnia at least a few nights a week.

Insomnia is defined as “An inability to fall asleep or remain asleep long enough to feel rested, especially when the problem continues over time.”

In an effort to combat this, as many as 25 percent of the people in the United States use medications to help them sleep. Most sleeping pills, especially when taken over long periods of time, stay in the bloodstream, give a hangover effect the next day and beyond, and impair memory and performance on the job and at home.

From a nutritional perspective, several research studies have shown certain minerals to be effective as natural sleep aids that help people fall asleep and stay asleep through the night. James F. Balch, M.D., author of Prescription for Nutritional Healing, writes: “A lack of the nutrients calcium and magnesium will cause you to wake up after a few hours and not be able to return to sleep.”

Calcium is directly related to our cycles of sleep. In one study, published in the European Neurology Journal, researchers found that calcium levels in the body are higher during some of the deepest levels of sleep, such as the rapid eye movement (REM) phase. The study concluded that disturbances in sleep, especially the absence of REM deep sleep or disturbed REM sleep, are related to a calcium deficiency. Restoration to the normal course of sleep was achieved following the normalization of the blood calcium level.

sleeping womanWilliam Sears, M.D. writes: “Calcium helps the brain use the amino acid tryptophan to manufacture the sleep-inducing substance melatonin. This explains why dairy products, which contain both tryptophan and calcium, are one of the top sleep-inducing foods.”

Regarding magnesium deficiency, chronic insomnia is one of the main, central symptoms. Sleep is usually agitated with frequent nighttime awakenings. On the other hand, a high magnesium, low aluminum diet has been found to be associated with deeper, less interrupted sleep.

The benefits of magnesium was proven in a study done by James Penland at the Human Nutrition Research Center in North Dakota. The study was titled “Effects of trace element nutrition on sleep patterns in adult women.”

Note that a balanced ratio of calcium and magnesium is important to overall health, and these two minerals should be taken together in a two to one ratio for best results (twice as much calcium as magnesium).

Beyond being effective sleep remedies, the health benefits of calcium and magnesium are many.  Studies have proven calcium to increase bone health, reduce high blood pressure, relax the nerves and muscles, prevent colon cancer and remedy kidney stones. Magnesium is an effective nutrient for strengthening heart health, reducing diabetes, and treating migraines, restlessness and depression.

Jobee Knight, a nutritional researcher and founder of Nutrition Breakthroughs in Glendale, CA., is someone who fought her own battle against sleeplessness and insomnia. She decided to put her background to use by searching out effective natural ingredients for relaxation and deeper sleep. The result was Sleep Minerals II, a natural sleep aid which contains absorbable forms of calcium, magnesium, vitamin D and zinc – all combined in a softgel with carrier oils. Oils such as rice bran oil have been shown to increase mineral absorption.

Chris M. of the United Kingdom says: “I take one softgel of Sleep Minerals II before bed every night and within 20 minutes I am asleep. The difference in the quality of my sleep and the ease with which I get to sleep using this product is monumental. I have stopped obsessing about sleep or dreading bedtime — I just take a softgel and drift off.  If I stop taking them, within a week my sleep starts to lighten in quality, the amount of my sleep diminishes, and my old insomniac patterns reappear.”

Darleen T. of La Mesa, California says: “I purchased Sleep Minerals for my teenage daughter.  When she started on the minerals she hadn’t been sleeping well for the past couple of years.  She was run down and feeling beyond her years… exhausted.  She is only 18.  Once she started on Sleep Minerals she actually became tired at night, which is new.  She can fall into a restful sleep by 10:30 p.m. and sleep all night. This product is a heaven-send and has given her a life back.”

Natural minerals for sleep that are combined in an effective formula are a much better option then enduring heavy side effects from sleeping drugs.  For more information, visit the Sleep Minerals II page.

Study on Puberty in Girls, Teen Insomnia, Calcium Deficiency

                                 teen insomnia
A study in the Journal of Pediatrics has found that the hormonal changes of puberty in girls can create a time of substantial risk for the development of insomnia.

The researcher’s data came from a random sample of 1,014 adolescents who were 13 to 16 years of age in the city of Detroit Michigan. The study was conducted with adolescents who had a history of insomnia, and who also reported they currently had insomnia.

In an exploratory analysis between insomnia and puberty development, the onset of menstruation (menses) was associated with an increased risk for insomnia that was three times greater. There was no difference in the risk for insomnia among girls before menses onset.

The researchers concluded that Insomnia seems to be common and chronic among adolescents. The study found that there is often a gender difference in risk for insomnia, and it seems to emerge in association with the onset of menses.

Teenagers are a special breed, having to face all the challenges of being in an in-between stage of life; not quite a child anymore and not yet an adult.  Along with an acceleration of social interests and activities, they also sustain accelerated physical growth and increased nutritional needs.

Given the consequences of sleep deprivation among teenagers, including blunted mental acuity, poorer school performance, and even poorer physical and emotional health, prevention and treatment may need to become “important priorities”, the study researchers say.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 90% of teen girls and 70% of teen boys are not getting enough calcium.  Their bones are growing the fastest during the teen years and they need more calcium than at any other time of life.  This calcium deficiency can translate into irritability, nervous tension, hyperactivity, and teen insomnia.

Due to a deficiency of crucial minerals at the teenage time of life, calcium and magnesium supplements can be an effective sleep remedy.  One natural insomnia remedy that’s gaining in popularity for all ages is Sleep Minerals II from Nutrition Breakthroughs.   It contains potent forms of calcium, magnesium and vitamin D, all combined with heart-healthy rice bran oil in a rapidly absorbed softgel formula.  Softgels that combine oils with the minerals are digested more thoroughly than tablets or capsules.

Wendy R. of Honolulu, Hawaii says: “My friends know that I’ve had chronic insomnia for a long time.  I was surprised — I received the Sleep Minerals II and began taking it and I actually slept.  In the past if I ever got a good nights sleep I’d say “I slept like a baby”, but that’s the wrong comparison. Those little guys get up every two hours, but I don’t anymore.”

With insomnia being common and chronic among teenagers, let’s help them get the nutrition and sleep that they need.

For more information on Sleep Minerals II visit this web page.

Related article:

Teenage Insomnia: Studies, Remedies and Tips

How to Take Sleep Minerals II, the Effective Natural Sleep Aid

sleep minerals IIGreetings to you,

This is Jobee from Nutrition Breakthroughs. I would like every customer of Sleep Minerals II to get the full benefits of the product and enjoy the restful, deep sleep they desire.

Here are some tips and advice I’ve put together over the years, from learning how to coach people to use the product successfully.

Sleep Minerals II is the original drug-free calcium and magnesium formula for better sleep. It calms sleeplessness and insomnia and helps you to relax, fall asleep and sleep deeper.

It’s also helpful for heart health, restless leg syndrome, bone strength, menopause insomnia, muscle cramps, premenstrual syndrome and teenage insomnia.  As well as containing calcium and magnesium, Sleep Minerals II contains vitamin D and zinc and is delivered in a softgel form mixed with natural rice bran oil, making it better assimilated and absorbed than tablets or capsules and providing a deeper, longer-lasting sleep.

Richard P. of Parkville Maryland says: “The Sleep Minerals are making quite a difference.  I was regularly waking up at around 3:00 a.m. and after a week or so my sleep improved quite a lot.  I wake once a night to go to the bathroom, but the great thing is, I then fall back asleep and sleep several more hours. This has been a great improvement.”

Here are the tips on using Sleep Minerals II:

1) Some of my customers have asked me with amazement: “What is in this product? Is it really all-natural?” I want you to know that even though the product is effective at helping people fall sleep or get back to sleep in the night, it is made from only natural minerals and vitamins — it’s just a potent formula.  Sleep Minerals II is a safe product.  The factory that makes it has been certified as having Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and all ingredients are sourced in the USA.

2) Keep the bottle of softgels by your bed. For difficulty falling asleep, take 1 softgel with water 30 to 45 minutes before bed.  Go to the bathroom before bed so you’re not woken up to go too often during the night.   If you are sensitive to supplements or minerals, start with 1 softgel for several nights. In any case, its best to stay with one softgel for about a week.

If after a week or so you are unable to get to sleep, increase to 2 softgels before bed.  Reduce the dose if you become drowsy during the day or your bowels become too loose.  Use 1 softgel for kids over 10.

3) Gradually building up the minerals in your system is the best approach to gaining better sleep.  It may take days or weeks of use to get the best results.  Some people start noticing good effects after the first or second week of use – some sooner, some later.  Be sure to continue taking the product as consistency is the key.

4) If you are taking the product before bedtime and have a drowsy feeling in the morning or your bowels become too loose, you can take it earlier than at bedtime. For example, take it with dinner or an hour or two before bedtime with a snack.  The food will act as a buffer to help avoid any stomach upset from the minerals.

If one softgel continues to be too much, you can gently bite one end open and squeeze half the contents of a softgel into your mouth or onto some food.  You can also open the softgel with the sharp point of a knife  This is also a good approach if the softgels are too big for you to swallow. Save the other half in a baggie or other container.

This is worth doing if you find you need to, as some people require less.  Even if you’re taking just half a softgel, it’s important to be consistent with it.  Another option is to take a half before bed and another half if you wake up and can’t get back to sleep.  If you find it works for you, a whole one can be taken before bed and another one during the night.  Over time, taking the additional one during the night may not be needed.

5) Note: If someone takes too much calcium for them, the formula may have a stimulating effect and keep them awake.  If this occurs, reduce the amount you’re taking and it should have a more relaxing effect.  If you’re only taking one, you can bite the end open and take just part of a softgel.

Here are some additional tips I have found to be helpful for improving one’s sleep:

* Take a walk outside each day.  Walk around and look at the surroundings and find things you have never noticed before.  It is more of an extroverting activity rather than the exercise factor.  If you look at a computer a lot of the day, find some large things outside to see such as buildings, trees, clouds, etc.  Look for things that are a different size or shape than the things you normally look at inside. This can refresh you and allow relaxation and sleep to occur better.

* Try your best to turn off any electronics an hour before bedtime (computer, TV, texting, etc.) and do something relaxing just before bed.

* If you are taking any medications in the evening, its best to take them an hour or two apart from the Sleep Minerals.  This is because each thing may have a different effect and it works better to keep them separate.

I look forward to staying in touch with you and to hearing any questions, comments, or beneficial improvements to your sleep.  Let me know how you do by emailing me at

For more information on Sleep Minerals II, visit this page.

Best of health,

Jobee Knight
Nutrition Breakthroughs

Tips on How to Take Sleep Minerals II: The Effective Natural Aid

Sleep Minerals IIGreetings to you,

This is Jobee Knight from Nutrition Breakthroughs. I would like every customer of Sleep Minerals II to get the full benefits of the product and enjoy the restful, deep sleep they desire.  Here are some tips and advice I’ve put together over the years, from learning how to coach people to use the product successfully.

1) Some of my customers have asked me with amazement: “What is in this product? Is it really all-natural?” I want you to know that even though the product is effective in helping people get to sleep or get back to sleep in the night, it is made from only natural minerals and vitamins — it’s just a potent formula.

Sleep Minerals II is a safe product.  The factory that makes Sleep Minerals II has been certified as having Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) from the Natural Products Association, and is registered with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

2) Keep the bottle of softgels by your bed, along with a glass or bottle of water.

3) For difficulty falling asleep, take 1 to 2 softgels with water.  To ensure a sound sleep, take the softgel 30 to 45 minutes before bedtime.  If you’re sensitive to supplements at all, start with 1.  Even if you decide to take more during the night, it’s important to take at least one at the beginning of the night before bedtime, to get the night started out in a good direction.

4) If you wake up during the night and are unable go back to sleep, take an additional half a softgel with water.  To do this, bite one end open and squeeze half out with your teeth.  Drink it down with water or spread it on a cracker or other piece of food.  Save the remainder in a baggie or other container.

5) If you feel drowsy in the morning, take the product further away from the morning-time. For example, if you take it at 4:00 or 5:00 a.m. to go back to sleep, try to take it earlier in the night next time so it’s in your system for a longer period prior to the morning.

6) If you are only taking the product before bedtime and have a drowsy feeling in the morning, take it earlier than at bedtime. For example, take it with dinner or an hour or two before bedtime with a snack, rather than 30 minutes before bedtime.

If you get indigestion or gas or your bowels become too loose after taking the product and you are only taking one softgel at a time, take it with some food or a meal to minimize this effect.  If you’re taking more than one, reduce the number of softgels you take.  You can also take half a softgel, as described above.  The important thing is to get a dose that works for you.  When changing the amount you take, keep that amount steady for several days to learn if this is the right dose.

7) If you experience an “energetic” effect from the Sleep Minerals, this may be due to a deficiency of calcium or magnesium and is a sign that your body is drinking up the minerals that it is missing.  If this occurs, take the product earlier in the day rather than at bedtime.  This will still assist your better sleep as you will be getting the minerals into your system earlier and it will help overall relaxation.  You can also reduce your dose.

8) It may take days or weeks of consecutive use to see the best results and the longer you use the product, the better the effects will be.  After a span of time, you may need to take less of the Sleep Minerals to get the same effect, as you will have provided more minerals to your body.

9) If you prefer not to swallow the softgels, here are a couple of options for you.  Bite one end open and press the contents onto a cracker or on top of peanut butter, etc. and eat it.  Follow with some water.  Another option is to squeeze the contents into your mouth and drink it down with some water. It’s like a creamy paste inside with mixed minerals and a bit of oil, and the flavor is mild. This paste is the essence of what makes the minerals very absorbable.

10) If you are taking any medications in the evening, its best to take them an hour apart from the Sleep Minerals – either an hour before or an hour after.  This is because each thing may have a different effect and its best to keep them separate.

11) Another thing that will help you sleep is taking a walk outside each day or in the evening.  Look around at things and enjoy the view.  This will help your body relax better at night.

12) In addition to insomnia, Sleep Minerals II also provides excellent nutritional support for bone health, osteoporosis, tense muscles, menopausal symptoms, restless leg syndrome, premenstrual syndrome, colon health and heart health.

I look forward to staying in touch with you and to hearing any questions, comments, or beneficial improvements to your sleep.  To order or re-order Sleep Minerals II, visit this page.

Best of health,

Jobee Knight
Toll-free: 888-861-0326

Teenage Insomnia: Studies, Remedies and Tips

teen insomniaTeenage Insomnia Remedies – Studies, Doctor Advice and Tips

Teenagers are a special breed, having to face all the challenges of being in an in-between stage of life; not quite a child anymore and not yet an adult.

Along with an acceleration of social interests and activities, they also sustain accelerated physical growth and increased nutritional needs. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 90% of teen girls and 70% of teen boys aren’t getting enough calcium. Their bones are growing the fastest during the teen years and they need more calcium than at any other time of life.  The calcium deficiency can translate into irritability, nervous tension, hyperactivity, and insomnia.

Adelle Davis was the first nutritionist to base her recommendations on scientific research studies. She says: “If these hyperactive kids were recognized as victims of malnutrition and given, instead of drugs, a completely adequate diet, especially high in calcium, magnesium, and vitamins B6 and D; the majority might soon be as relaxed as sacks of cotton, their minds far more alert, their energies restored to normal. I have seen it happen many, many times.”

To shed some light on teenage sleeping habits, a study was published in the Journal of Adolescent Health.  Researchers found that two-thirds of teenage high school students are sleeping less than they need to, when they actually need 9.5 hours of sleep.  Danice Eaton, author of the study and a research scientist in Atlanta said, “Research (on teens) has shown that a lack of sleep can increase depression, negative physical health, headaches, poor school performance, school absenteeism and drowsy driving.”

There is a correlation between electronics use and insomnia in teens.  A study from the Journal of Pediatrics published a survey of Philadelphia-area teens. It was found that two-thirds had a television in their bedroom, one third had a computer, 90% had their own cell phone and 79% had a personal music device.

“These technological devices activate the mind. It’s like having a stressful work conversation just before getting into bed,” said Dr. Jonathan Pletcher at the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh.

Dr. Pletcher doesn’t recommend sleep medication for teens, saying that,  “The risks for this age group far outweigh the benefits.”  He recommends shutting down the computer, TV, and cell phone well before bedtime and doing some relaxing and calming activities before bed.

Due to a deficiency of crucial minerals at the teenage time of life, calcium and magnesium supplements can be effective teenage insomnia remedies. One natural insomnia remedy that*s gaining in popularity for all ages is Sleep Minerals II from Nutrition Breakthroughs.

It contains highly absorbable forms of calcium and magnesium — the best minerals for sleeplessness and insomnia, as well as for heart health, restless leg syndrome, bone strength, menopause insomnia and teenage insomnia. It also contains vitamin D and zinc and is delivered in a softgel form with healthy carrier oils, making it better assimilated than tablets or capsules and providing a deeper, longer-lasting sleep.

Darleen T. of La Mesa, California says: “I purchased Sleep Minerals for my teenage daughter.  When she started on the minerals she hadn’t been sleeping well for the past couple of years.  She was run down and feeling beyond her years… exhausted.  She is only 18.  Once she started on Sleep Minerals she actually became tired at night, which is new. She can fall into a restful sleep by 10:30 p.m. and sleep all night. This product is a heaven send and has given her a life back.”

Besides supplementing with key minerals, there are additional tips to help teens sleep better.  Here is a summary from the Mayo Clinic and National Sleep Foundation:

    • Consuming caffeine close to bedtime can interfere with one*s sleep, so avoid coffee, tea, soda pop and chocolate late in the afternoon. Nicotine and alcohol will also interfere with sleep.
    • Limit stimulating activities and the use of electronics right before bedtime.
    • Reduce extracurricular activities. Sometimes teens are overextended and participate in too many after-school activities, too late into the evening.
    • Practice relaxing and calming activities before going to bed. For example, do gentle stretches, take a warm bath, or read a pleasant book.
    • Make the bedroom a sleep haven. Keep it cool, quiet and dark. If needed, get eyeshades, earplugs, and blackout curtains. Let in the bright light in the morning to signal the body to wake up.
    • Get regular exercise during the day, but not closer than 3 hours before bedtime.
    • Establish a regular bedtime and wake-time schedule and stick to it, coming as close to it as possible on the weekends. A consistent sleep schedule makes it easier to fall asleep.

Let*s help our teens get the sleep and nutrition they need!

For more information on Sleep Minerals II, click here.