Nutrition Breakthroughs Reveals Hot Flash Causes and Remedies

hot flash remediesHot flash remedies are in high demand for women.  A hot flash, also called a hot flush, is a sudden unexpected feeling of warmth and often a breakout of sweating in the upper half of the body.

A night sweat is a “hot flash” that occurs in the night, often while one is sleeping. These flashes are experienced by 80% of women around the time of menopause, and men can also have them due to a lessening of testosterone in middle age.

At night time while a woman sleeps, her body temperature rises steeply just prior to a hot flash, and may cause her to wake up.  The National Sleep Foundation writes that as many as 61% of post-menopausal women report having symptoms of insomnia and less satisfying sleep, due in part to hot flashes interrupting their sleep with frequent awakenings.

Dr. John R. Lee, M.D. explains the source of hot flashes in his book: “What Your Doctor May Not Tell You about Menopause”. There is an area of the brain that controls the amounts of estrogen and progesterone made by the ovaries. When these two hormones become depleted as in menopause, the brain sends out signals for the ovaries to make more hormones, but they no longer respond to these prompts.

The signaling system can go awry as the brain sends out more and more signals and actually begins to “shout”.  This over-activity begins to affect adjacent areas of the brain; particularly the area that controls body temperature and sweating mechanisms — thus the occurrence of hot flashes.

Sometimes spicy food, hot beverages, caffeine, alcohol or cigarettes can bring on a hot flash. For help with night sweats in bed, keep the bedroom cool and keep a washcloth in a bowl of ice near the bed to use on the forehead or chest as needed. To minimize hot flashes during the summer weather, stay cool by using fans and drinking cold drinks. Keep air conditioners on and make sure that air is circulating throughout the room. Dress in layers so you can peel them off as needed.

Vitamins E and C have been shown in studies to help reduce hot flashes.  One study supporting vitamin E was published in “Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation” and concluded that vitamin E is effective and is a recommended treatment for hot flashes. Extensive research indicates that vitamin C strengthens blood vessels and acts as a potent health enhancement. In a study that combined vitamin C with bioflavonoids (the white matter on the inside of orange peels), 67% of the subjects reported complete relief from hot flashes.

The minerals calcium and magnesium can also help with deeper, sounder sleep and are hot flash remedies, particularly because estrogen in women and testosterone in men helps to keep these minerals in circulation in the body, and when these hormones are depleted, more frequent mineral supplementation is needed.

Sleep Minerals II from Nutrition Breakthroughs is an example of a natural insomnia remedy that provides good results for menopause symptoms. It contains highly absorbable forms of calcium and magnesium, the best minerals for sleep and insomnia, heart health, restless legs syndrome and bone strength.

The formula also includes vitamin D and zinc and is delivered in a softgel form with healthy carrier oils, making it more quickly absorbable than tablets or capsules and providing a deeper, longer-lasting sleep.

Anita L. of New Caney, Texas says: “I was having hot flashes every 30 minutes to an hour through the night and was so miserable.  After about two weeks of taking the Sleep Minerals, I noticed an incredible difference with my sleep.  I have much less interruption from hot flashes, I’m sleeping much better and I’m a lot more comfortable.”

Valerie from Santa Clarita, California says: “I had such bad menopause insomnia that it took me hours to fall asleep even though I was extremely tired. My legs also had crawling and tingling feelings at night. I got the Sleep Minerals and took them and after a few days, it started to work really well. I fall asleep now within 20 minutes and no more restless legs.”

For more information, visit the Sleep Minerals II page.

How to Remedy Insomnia and Hot Flashes in Menopause

This article reveals several proven natural remedies for insomnia in menopause, as well as those that work for hot flashes and night sweats.

The North American Menopause Society reports that an estimated 6,000 U.S. women reach menopause each day, which translates to over 2 million women every year.

The Women’s Health Initiative study, which followed 16,608 women being given hormone replacement therapy in menopause, discovered a high risk of heart disease and stroke from the use of these drugs. As a result, more and more women today are seeking the use of natural remedies for menopause symptoms such as insomnia and sleeplessness, hot flashes, night sweats, migraine headaches, anxiety and fatigue.

Vitamin E is famous for it’s health benefits to glands and organs, howevervitamin e foods it may not be generally known that vitamin E is a proven remedy for hot flashes. Adelle Davis, the first nutritionist to base her recommendations on science-based studies, says:

“During the menopause the need for vitamin E soars ten to fifty times over that previously required. Hot flashes and night sweats often disappear when 50 to 500 units of vitamin E are taken daily, but they quickly recur should the vitamin be stopped.”

One study supporting vitamin E comes from the University of Iran, published in Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation. 400 IU of vitamin E in a softgel cap was given to the participants daily for four weeks. A diary was used to measure hot flashes before the study and at the end. The researchers concluded that vitamin E is effective and is a recommended treatment for hot flashes.

Another natural remedy has been making headlines lately. Mayo Clinic breast health specialist Sandhya Pruthi, M.D., conducted a study on flaxseed for hot flashes.

The 29 participants in this clinical trial were women with hot flashes who did not want to take estrogen because of an increased risk of breast cancer. The study gave them six weeks of flaxseed therapy, consisting of 40 grams of crushed flaxseed eaten daily.

The result was that the frequency of hot flashes decreased fifty percent. Participants also reported improvements in mood, joint or muscle pain, chills, and sweating. This was a significant improvement in their health and quality of life. Dr. Pruthi said: “We hope to find more effective non-hormonal options to assist women, and flaxseed looks promising.”

Night sweats and hot flashes can become a form of insomnia in which a woman wakes up drenched in sweat and unable to sleep. Regarding mineral deficiency at the time of menopause, nutritionist Adelle Davis says:

Magnesium can also balance hormones and remedy insomnia and hot flashes.  One example is a study from the Virginia Commonwealth University Health System. Women with at least 14 hot flashes a week received 400 milligrams of magnesium oxide daily for 4 weeks, increasing to 800 mg. per day if needed.  At the end of the study, the magnesium supplements had reduced their frequency of hot flashes from 52 to 28 per week, which is a 41% reduction. Fatigue, sweating, and distress were also significantly reduced.

There is also an emerging link between estrogen decline, menopause symptoms and magnesium deficiency. Mildred Seeling, M.D. describes this in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition.

She says “Estrogen enhances magnesium utilization and its uptake by the soft tissues and bone, and may explain the resistance of young women to heart disease and osteoporosis — as well as the increased prevalence of these diseases when estrogen production ceases.”

Magnesium works best when it’s balanced with calcium in a two to one ratio. Dr. Seeling says: “The Cal/Mag ratio of two to one (twice as much calcium as magnesium) has long been considered physiologic (for healthy cells) and best for normal functioning. This was confirmed on the basis of long-term metabolic studies in young men and women done by the Research Division of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.”

Vitamin D is more than just a vitamin, it’s also a hormone. That means, after undergoing a couple of activation processes in the body, it binds to cells throughout the body to regulate a wide range of bodily functions.

From the journal “Medical Hypothesis” comes a research study that followed 1500 patients over a 2 year period. A consistent level of vitamin D3 was maintained in their blood over many months. This produced normal sleep in most of the participants, regardless of their type of sleep disorder, which suggests that many types of insomnia may share the same cause.

During the research, the authors discovered the presence of high concentrations of vitamin D “receiving sites” or “receptors” in those areas of the brain that are related to the onset and maintenance of sleep.

Sleep Minerals IIOne insomnia remedy becoming popular among menopausal women is Sleep Minerals II from Nutrition Breakthroughs. This natural sleep aid contains highly absorbable forms of calcium and magnesium and is effective for sleeplessness and insomnia, as well as for heart health, restless leg syndrome, bone strength, menopause insomnia and teenage insomnia.

Sleep Minerals also contains vitamin D and zinc and is delivered in a softgel form mixed with natural rice bran oil, making it better assimilated than tablets or capsules and providing a deeper, longer-lasting sleep.

Sadie D. from The Netherlands says: “I am ever so grateful that I discovered Sleep Minerals II after suffering with premenopause and now the real menopausal insomnia. I felt like I was slowly losing my mind due to the continual lack of sleep. I can’t express the relief of getting a good night’s sleep and being able to function properly.”

Tammy M. of Meridian, Idaho says: “I was plagued with insomnia for five years and desperate for a breakthrough. Nothing has helped me more than Sleep Minerals — I*m so sold on them I could go door to door promoting them.  I’m 60 years old and have never slept so soundly.”

Menopause has been found to be a fulfilling time of life for many women. In a recent survey sponsored by the North American Menopause Society, 51% of U.S. postmenopausal women reported being happiest and most fulfilled between the ages of 50 and 65. Menopause is an excellent time for a woman to keep her health at its peak and minimize symptoms such as night sweats and insomnia by using effective natural remedies.

For more information, visit the Sleep Minerals II page.

What foods help hot flashes?

Foods rich in calcium, magnesium and vitamin E are particularly helpful for hot flashes. This includes most nuts, seeds, high-quality yogurt and cheese, sardines with bones, salmon, green leafy vegetables, other green vegetables, and avocado.

What is a natural remedy for hot flashes?

Vitamin E is famous for it’s health benefits to glands and organs, however it may not be generally known that vitamin E is a proven remedy for hot flashes. Other effective natural remedies include ground flax seeds, calcium and magnesium.vitamin e hot flash remedy

What causes hot flashes?

Dr. John R. Lee, M.D. explains the source of hot flashes in his book: “What Your Doctor May Not Tell You about Menopause”. When the female hormones become depleted as in menopause, the brain sends out signals for the ovaries to make more hormones, but they no longer respond. The the brain begins to “shout”.  This over-activity affects adjacent areas of the brain; particularly the area that controls body temperature and sweating mechanisms — thus the occurrence of hot flashes.

What triggers hot flashes?

Sometimes spicy food, hot beverages, caffeine, alcohol or cigarettes can bring on a hot flash. For help with night sweats in bed, keep the bedroom cool and keep a washcloth in a bowl of ice near the bed to use on the forehead or chest as needed. To minimize hot flashes during the summer weather, stay cool by using fans and drinking cold drinks. Keep air conditioners on and make sure that the air is circulating throughout the room. Dress in layers so you can peel them off as needed.

For more information, visit the Sleep Minerals II page.

Video: Top 7 Hot Flashes Remedies for Menopause


Menopause is a natural process when the production of female hormones (estrogen and progesterone) declines and a woman stops having her monthly periods.  It usually happens gradually between the ages of 45 and 55.

During this time, a woman can experience uncomfortable menopause symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats, migraine headaches, anxiety, fatigue and insomnia.

Hormone replacement therapy drugs can help hot flashes, but come with many potential side effects for the heart, lungs and breasts.  As a result, more and more women today are seeking to use natural remedies.

The video below is a brief overview of some of the most proven natural remedies for hot flashes in menopause.  More details about each of these can be found in articles in the Nutrition Breakthroughs blog.  Use the search option in the top menu to learn more about them.

Make good use of these natural remedies to stay “cool as a cucumber!”

hot flashes remediesThis natural health information is shared with you by Sleep Minerals II, the effective natural sleep aid that is also beneficial for hot flashes, restless leg syndrome, bone health, teenage insomnia and mineral deficiencies.

Hot Flashes in Menopause: Studies Show Magnesium and Primrose Oil Effective

menopause hot flashesMenopause is a natural process when the production of female hormones (estrogen and progesterone) declines and a woman stops having her monthly periods.  It usually happens gradually between the ages of 45 and 55.  

During this time, a woman can experience uncomfortable menopause symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats, migraine headaches, anxiety, fatigue and insomnia.

Hormone replacement therapy drugs can help hot flashes, but according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, the long-term use of hormone replacement drugs can increase the risks of heart disease, stroke, blood clots in the lungs and breast disease  As a result, more and more women today are seeking to use natural remedies.

One such remedy is evening primrose oil.  This oil comes from the seeds of a wildflower that grows throughout the United States. In a study from the Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics, researchers tested the effect of evening primrose oil on 56 menopausal women aged 45 to 59 with hot flashes.  The women were given two capsules per day of evening primrose (500 mg per capsule) for a continuous 6 weeks.  This resulted in a 42% improvement in the severity of hot flashes, as well as beneficial improvements in their life activities.

Can magnesium help menopause symptoms? Mineral supplements such as magnesium and calcium are of good benefit to menopausal women with hot flashes and night sweats.  One example is a study from the Virginia Commonwealth University Health System. Women with at least 14 hot flashes a week received 400 milligrams of magnesium oxide for 4 weeks, increasing to 800 mg. per day if needed.  At the end of the study, the magnesium supplements had reduced their frequency of hot flashes from 52 to 28 per week, which is a 41.4% reduction. Fatigue, sweating, and distress were also significantly reduced.

The 29 participants in the study were breast cancer survivors, thus they were unable to take the usual hot flash medications that have estrogenic activity such as hormone replacement or soy supplements.  Many women, breast cancer survivors or not, prefer to take a non estrogen-active natural remedy for hot flashes and night sweats, and the researchers concluded that magnesium appears to safely reduce hot flashes with few side effects and at minimal cost.

Can magnesium help balance hormones? Yes, in fact as menopause approaches, there is an emerging link between estrogen decline, menopause symptoms, and the aspect of mineral deficiency. Mildred Seeling, M.D. describes this in her report in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition. She says “Estrogen enhances magnesium utilization and uptake by soft tissues and bone, and may explain the resistance of young women to heart disease and osteoporosis — as well as the increased prevalence of these diseases when estrogen production ceases.”

Magnesium works best when it’s balanced with calcium. The pioneering nutritionist Adelle Davis writes of mineral deficiency during menopause in her book Let’s Get Well. Davis says: “Calcium is less well absorbed and the urinary losses are greater when the output of estrogen decreases. Such calcium-deficiency symptoms as nervousness, irritability, insomnia and headaches are common.”

Magnesium has also been found to help other health conditions.  According to Dr. Michael T. Murray, Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, “In addition to helping with hot flashes, correction of low magnesium status may have additional health benefits. Magnesium deficiency is extremely common in Americans, and in addition to the well-known association between low magnesium and increased risk for cardiovascular disease, low magnesium levels have also been linked to an increase in Alzheimer’s disease, decreased muscle performance, insulin-resistance, and osteoporosis.”

Are there forms of magnesium that are more absorbable than others? Which magnesium for menopause?  Some of the most highly absorbed forms of minerals are those that are mixed into a healthy base of natural oils. When carrier oils are used along with minerals in a softgel supplement, a creamy paste is formed inside that encourages increased mineral absorption. This results in a supplement that is absorbed more rapidly and fully than hard tablets or even powdered capsules.

One natural sleep aid that helps with hot flashes and night sweats and has increased in popularity among menopausal women is Sleep Minerals II from Nutrition Breakthroughs. This insomnia remedy contains highly absorbable forms of calcium and magnesium, the best minerals for sleeplessness and insomnia, as well as for heart health, restless legs syndrome, bone strength, and menopause insomnia. The formula also includes vitamin D and zinc and is delivered in a softgel form with healthy carrier oils, making it more fully assimilated and providing a deeper, longer-lasting sleep.

Anita L. of New Caney, Texas says: “I was having hot flashes every 30 minutes to an hour through the night and was so miserable.  After about two weeks of taking the Sleep Minerals, I noticed an incredible difference with my sleep.  I have much less interruption from flashes, I’m sleeping much better, and I’m a lot more comfortable.”

Valerie H. of Santa Clarita, California says: “I had such severe menopause insomnia it took me hours to fall asleep even though I was extremely tired.  My legs also had crawling and tingling feelings at night. I got the Sleep Minerals II and after several days, it started to work really well. I fall asleep now within 20 minutes and no more restless legs.”

Natural menopause remedies are a healthier option for women with hot flashes, night sweats and insomnia.  For more information on Sleep Minerals II visit this page.

Can magnesium help menopause symptoms?

Mineral supplements such as magnesium and calcium are of good benefit to menopausal women with hot flashes and night sweats.  One example is a study from the Virginia Commonwealth University Health System.  Women with at least 14 hot flashes a week received 400 milligrams of magnesium oxide for 4 weeks, increasing to 800 mg. per day if needed.  At the end of the study, the magnesium supplements had reduced their frequency of hot flashes from 52 to 28 per week, which is a 41.4% reduction. Fatigue, sweating, and distress were also significantly reduced.

Can magnesium help balance hormones?

Yes, as menopause approaches, there is an emerging link between estrogen decline, menopause symptoms and the aspect of mineral deficiency. Mildred Seeling, M.D. describes this in her report in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition. She says “Estrogen enhances magnesium utilization and uptake by soft tissues and bone, and may explain the resistance of young women to heart disease and osteoporosis — as well as the increased prevalence of these diseases when estrogen production ceases.”

Which magnesium for menopause?

Some of the most highly absorbed forms of minerals are those that are mixed into a healthy base of natural oils. When carrier oils are used along with minerals in a softgel supplement, a creamy paste is formed inside that encourages increased mineral absorption. This results in a supplement that is absorbed more rapidly and fully than hard tablets or even powdered capsules.

Research Shows Vitamin C and Minerals Cool Off Hot Flashes and Night Sweats

vitamin c hot flashesSurprise: One natural remedy proven in a research study to relieve hot flashes may be unexpected to some, as it is such a well-known, widely used vitamin with many benefits.  It’s the famous vitamin C.

The study was called “Non-Hormonal Control of Vaso-Motor Flushing in Menopausal Patients”, published in the journal: “Chicago Medicine.”  Vasomotor refers to the nerves and muscles causing blood vessels to constrict (narrow) or dilate (open). Blood vessels dilate during hot flashes — this process is the body’s way to release the heat. Extensive research indicates that vitamin C strengthens blood vessel membranes, eases hot flashes and helps slow the overall aging process.

In the vitamin C study, A total of 94 patients were studied, all of who had reached menopause.  They were given 200 milligrams of vitamin C and 200 milligrams of bioflavonoids (the substance contained on the inside of orange peels) six times daily.  Therefore each subject received 1200 mg of both the bioflavonoids and vitamin C each day.  The results were that  67% of the subjects reported complete relief from hot flashes and 21% reported partial relief, giving this combination an overall 88% success rate.

Vitamin C is also proven to be a “Beauty Vitamin.”  In support of vitamin C as an anti wrinkle nutrient, a study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition announced the results of researchers from the United Kingdom. They discovered that higher vitamin C intakes were associated with a lower likelihood of a wrinkled skin appearance and skin dryness. Vitamin C majorly improved overall skin appearance in a study of 4,025 women aged 40 to 74.

Mineral deficiency can also be a factor in contributing to menopause symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats.  The pioneering nutritionist Adelle Davis writes of this in her book “Let’s Eat Right to Keep Fit”.

Davis says, “The amount of calcium in a woman’s blood parallels the activity of the ovaries. During the menopause, the lack of ovarian hormones can cause severe calcium deficiency symptoms to occur, including irritability, hot flashes, night sweats, leg cramps, and insomnia. These problems can be easily overcome if the intakes of calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D are all generously increased and are well absorbed.”

Jobee Knight, a nutritional researcher and founder of Nutrition Breakthroughs in Glendale, CA., is someone who fought her own menopausal battle against sleeplessness and insomnia. She decided to put her background to use by searching out effective natural insomnia remedies for relaxation and deeper sleep.

The result was Sleep Minerals II, a natural insomnia remedy that contains highly absorbable forms of calcium and magnesium, combined with vitamin D and zinc. The ingredients are formulated in a softgel with healthy oils, making them more quickly absorbable than tablets or capsules and providing a deeper, longer-lasting sleep.

Anita L. of New Caney, Texas says: “I was having hot flashes every 30 minutes to an hour through the night and was so miserable. After about two weeks of taking the Sleep Minerals, I noticed an incredible difference with my sleep. I have much less interruption from flashes, I’m sleeping much better and I’m a lot more comfortable.”

The minerals in Sleep Minerals II are also proven to be beneficial for strong bones, healthy muscles, menopause symptoms, teenage insomnia, and correction of calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D deficiencies.

Vitamin C can be found in many delicious foods and is known to be beneficial for immunity, stomach health, maintaining blood vessels, strengthening bones and teeth, healing wounds, and supporting heart and eye health. 

Vitamin C is a key player in the production of collagen, which is the most abundant protein in the body and is a component of muscle, joints, bone, skin, hair and nails.  High amounts of vitamin C is supplied by citrus fruits, many berries, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, red and green peppers, and in supplements.

For good health, smooth skin, hot flash relief, and a refreshing night of beauty sleep each night, keep your vitamin C levels high and take some absorbable forms of calcium and magnesium. For more information on Sleep Minerals II, visit the natural sleep aid page.

Vitamin C night sweats?

Studies have shown that vitamin C for night sweats and hot flashes is an effective remedy. Blood vessels dilate and widen during hot flashes — this process is the body’s way to release the heat. Vitamin C strengthens blood vessel membranes and can ease hot flashes per a study in “Chicago Medicine.”

Get Ten Percent off Sleep Minerals II for Christmas

Sleep Minerals II


Greetings to you,

In celebration of Christmas, Nutrition Breakthroughs is giving you a present of ten percent off Sleep Minerals II when you order before December 17, 2018.  And if you have a friend or loved-one who has insomnia or sleeplessness, you can give them the gift of better, deeper sleep for the holidays.

Simply click the link below and enter “Christmas 2018” in the coupon code space when you check out.

Here are a couple of testimonials we received recently:

Marilyn W. of Riverside, California. says: “I decided to try an experiment.  I was running out of the Sleep Minerals II so I decided to see if they were really helping me in any way.  Now I know they were definitely helping me sleep and were definitely helping me with my hot sweats.  I have not slept well lately and the hot sweats are worse than they’ve ever been.  I ordered a bottle of Sleep Minerals last night and I can hardly wait to get the new bottle.”

Julianne H. of Canada says: “I continue to tell my friends about how Sleep Minerals II has changed my life.  I am fully retired now but still remember driving to work and wondering if I would make it there due to sleep deprivation.  And the debilitating leg cramps that used to occur every night have now become history.  My legs were sore even into the next day.  It’s great to be sleeping so much better, no more sore legs, and my calcium levels are being kept constant.”

Stephanie K. of Indianapolis, Indiana says: “I’ve been taking Sleep Minerals II for almost a year now.  My journey with insomnia started three years ago and I thought I would never get a good night’s sleep again.  I was put on a variety of anxiety medications, none of which worked nearly as well as Sleep Minerals II.  I am absolutely 1000% satisfied with this product and have even given recommendations to my friends and family when they’ve discussed their sleep issues with me.”

Sleep Minerals II is great for people and families of all ages. It is a unique formula containing highly absorbable forms of calcium and magnesium, the best minerals for sleeplessness and insomnia, as well as for heart health, restless legs syndrome, bone strength, menopause insomnia and teenage insomnia.

The formula also includes vitamin D and zinc and is delivered in a softgel form with healthy carrier oils, making it more quickly assimilated than tablets or capsules and providing a deeper, longer-lasting sleep.

To get your discount on Sleep Minerals II, click the link below before December 17, 2018 and use the coupon code “Christmas 2018” at check-out. 

Here’s to good sleep for you and for those you care about.

Best of health

Jobee Knight
Nutrition Breakthroughs
Toll-free U.S. (888) 861-0326
International: (818) 913-4308

Effective Hot Flash Remedy – Study Confirms Flaxseed Benefits

flaxseed benefitsOne natural remedy for hot flashes has been making headlines lately. Mayo Clinic breast health specialist
Sandhya Pruthi, M.D., conducted a six week study on flaxseed for relief of hot flashes.

The 29 participants in Mayo’s clinical trial were women with hot flashes who did not want to take estrogen because of increased risk of breast cancer.

The study gave them six weeks of flaxseed therapy, consisting of 40 grams (one and a half ounces) of crushed flaxseed eaten daily. The result was that the frequency of hot flashes decreased fifty percent. Participants also reported improvements in mood, joint or muscle pain, chills, and sweating. The flaxseed benefits gave a significant improvement in their health and quality of life. Dr. Pruthi said: “We hope to find more effective nonhormonal options to assist women, and flaxseed looks promising.”

Calcium and magnesium have also been shown effective for relief of hot flashes and night sweats.  One supplement that’s popular with women, men and teens is Sleep Minerals II from Nutrition Breakthroughs. This contains highly absorbable forms of calcium and magnesium, along with vitamin D and zinc. The ingredients are delivered in a softgel form with healthy carrier oils, making them more easily assimilated than capsules or tablets and providing a deeper and longer-lasting sleep.

Wendy R. of Honolulu, Hawaii says: “My friends know that I’ve had insomnia for a very long time. Surprisingly, I received the Sleep Minerals II and took it and I actually slept. This thing really works. I wanted to say, its funny, but people know I have insomnia and once in a while a co-worker will ask me how I slept. In the past, if I ever got a good nights sleep I’d say “I slept like a baby”, but that’s the wrong analogy. Those little guys get up every two hours. I am actually beginning to sleep like an adult — a much-rested adult.”

Flaxseed benefits include significant hot flash relief, and calcium and magnesium can also work wonders for relieving hot flashes, night sweats and insomnia.

For more information on Sleep Minerals II visit this page.

Menopause Hot Flashes Improved by Evening Primrose Oil and Minerals

evening primrose oil helps hot flashesEvening primrose oil comes from the seeds of a yellow wildflower that grows throughout the United States.

In a study from the Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics, researchers tested the effect of evening primrose oil on 56 menopausal women aged 45 to 59 with hot flashes.

The women were given two capsules per day of evening primrose oil (500 mg per capsule) for a continuous 6 weeks.  The results showed there was a 42% improvement in the severity of hot flashes, as well as beneficial improvements in their life activities.

Mineral supplements such as magnesium and calcium are also of good benefit to menopausal women with hot flashes and night sweats.  One example is a 2011 study from the Virginia Commonwealth University Health System.  Women with at least 14 hot flashes a week received 400 milligrams of magnesium oxide for 4 weeks, increasing to 800 mg. per day if needed.  At the end of the study, the magnesium supplements had reduced their frequency of hot flashes from 52 to 28 per week, a 41.4% reduction.  Fatigue, sweating, and distress were also significantly reduced.

One insomnia remedy that also helps with hot flashes and night sweats and is increasing in popularity among women in menopause is Sleep Minerals II from Nutrition Breakthroughs.  This natural sleep aid contains highly absorbable forms of calcium and magnesium, the best minerals for sleeplessness and insomnia, as well as for heart health, restless legs syndrome, bone strength, and menopause insomnia.

Anita L. of New Caney, Texas says: “I was having hot flashes every 30 minutes to an hour through the night and was so miserable.  After about two weeks of taking the Sleep Minerals, I noticed an incredible difference with my sleep.  I have much less interruption from flashes, I’m sleeping much better, and I’m a lot more comfortable.”

Valerie H. of Santa Clarita, California says: “I had such severe menopause insomnia it took me hours to fall asleep even though I was extremely tired.  My legs also had crawling and tingling feelings at night. I got the Sleep Minerals and after several days, it started to work really well. I fall asleep now within 20 minutes and no more restless legs.”

Natural menopause remedies are a healthier option for women with hot flashes, night sweats and insomnia.  For more information, visit the Sleep Minerals II page.

Study Confirms Link Between Insomnia and Hot Flashes

insomnia and hot flashesStudy Confirms Link Between Insomnia and Hot Flashes

A team of researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine in California recently conducted a study to help determine the causes of insomnia among premenopausal and postmenopausal women.

The team conducted phone interviews with 982 women and gathered information about their sleep history, hot flashes and overall health.

They found that 51% of  postmenopausal women experienced hot flashes and 79% of premenopausal women had them.  Among the women with the most severe hot flashes (based on their intensity and frequency), 81% of them experienced sleeplessness and insomnia.

The lead researcher said: “In this paper, we have observed without any doubt and in a significant way that hot flashes are associated with insomnia. This is the first observational study showing the link between insomnia and hot flashes while controlling for other factors that could account for insomnia in women.”

Comment from the Blog Author Nutrition Breakthroughs:

The pioneering nutritionist Adelle Davis discusses the many roles of calcium in women’s health in her book “Let’s Get Well” and says: “During the menopause, the lack of the ovarian hormones (estrogen and progesterone) causes severe calcium deficiency symptoms to occur.”

“At these times, high amounts of calcium should be obtained and every step be taken to insure its absorption into the blood. When these precautions are taken and the diet is adequate in other respects, the woman at menopause usually loses her irritability, hot flashes, night sweats, leg cramps, insomnia, and mental depression.”

One natural insomnia remedy gaining popularity with women and people of all ages is Sleep Minerals II from Nutrition Breakthroughs in Glendale California.  Sleep Minerals II contains powerful forms of the best known minerals for relaxation and sleep — calcium and magnesium, combined with vitamin D.

The ingredients are formulated in a softgel with healthy oils, making them more quickly absorbable than tablets or capsules,  and providing a deeper, longer-lasting sleep.

Anita L. of New Caney, Texas says: “I was having hot flashes every 30 minutes to an hour through the night and was so miserable.  After about two weeks of taking the Sleep Minerals, I noticed an incredible difference with my sleep.  I have much less interruption from flashes, I’m sleeping much better and I’m a lot more comfortable.”

Valerie H. in Santa Clarita, CA says: “I had such severe menopause insomnia, it took me hours to fall asleep even though I was extremely tired. I also had crawling and tingling feelings in my legs at night.  I got the Sleep Minerals II and after a week of taking it, it started to work really well. I fall asleep now within 20 minutes and no more restless legs.”

Visit the Sleep Minerals II page for more info.

Top 8 Ways to Cool Off and Sleep in Summer Heat

sleep in summer heatTop 8 Ways to Cool Off and Sleep in Summer Heat

These tips are for those of us who have sweated in our sheets on hot summer nights, unable to sleep.

In an ideal world, we would all have multiple air conditioners throughout our homes or central air conditioning to keep us cool.

In the actual world, not everyone has these, or even if they do, they may be looking for other helpful options in the case of being away from home or traveling to hot climates.

One question to ask would be whether or not any research studies have been done on the effects of body temperature on sleep.  Yes, in fact there have.

Researchers from the Cornel Medical Center in New York did a study showing that a cooler body temperature does indeed help sleep.  They identified the time at which the participant’s body temperature fell most sharply. This point almost always occurred in the two hours before sleep began.

So without further adieu, here are the creative tips for staying cool at night and sleeping well.

Tip #1 – People with trouble falling asleep might benefit from taking warm or hot baths about 90 minutes before bedtime, per the New York research study noted above.  When they get out of the bath, their body temperature will drop rapidly, and this should help them to fall asleep faster.  Another option for those with less time is to take a cool shower before bed.

Tip #2 –  Stick to loose clothing of cotton, linen or rayon and avoid synthetic fabrics and wool. Check into ‘Wicking Nightwear.’ These nightclothes are designed to whisk away sweat and moisture and keep you dry and comfortable while you sleep. Cotton sheets are best, rather than silk or other fabrics, as they stay cooler.

Tip #3 – Keep a thermos of ice water next to the bed and drink as needed.  The ice water can also be poured onto a washcloth and used on the forehead, legs, feet or other areas.  Another option is to put a hot water bottle in the freezer and use it as needed to stay cool.  Feet can set the pace for the rest of the body, so this may be a good place to put a cool washcloth.

Tip #4 – Try a ‘Chillow’ pillow insert.  The Chillow is filled with water and placed inside the pillowcase, on top of the pillow.  It absorbs and dissipates heat to keep you cooler and doesn’t require refrigeration.  It is comfortably cool, rather than cold and it always stays dry.

Tip #5 – Use some smart strategies for box fans and other fans.  Point a fan facing out the window so it will push the hot air outside, leaving cooler air in the room.  A do it yourself air conditioner can be made by putting a shallow pan of ice in front of a fan.  A cooling breeze will be created from the cold water as the ice melts.

Tip #6 – Put a blow-up air bed on the ground with some sheets and blankets and sleep on it.  This puts you closer to the floor where the air is cooler, as hot air rises.  If your bedroom is on a second floor, go the first floor to sleep.

Tip #7 – Keep the oven off and eat light meals that are cooling to the body such as fruit and vegetable salads, pasta salads, cold rice and veggies, or rice cakes with a slice of cheese, etc.  Delicious cold soups can be eaten such as split pea or lentil.

Tip #8 – Calcium is known to cool, soothe and relax the nervous system according to Chinese medicine.  In their system, a food’s temperature refers to the heating or cooling effect it has on the body once it has been ingested – rather than the temperature of the food when it is eaten.

For a cooling effect on the body during the night, take a well-absorbed form of calcium and magnesium before bed such as Sleep Minerals II from Nutrition Breakthroughs. This natural sleep remedy contains unique forms of calcium, magnesium, vitamin D and zinc.  It is formulated in a softgel with healthy carrier oils, making it more quickly absorbable than tablets or capsules and providing a deeper, longer-lasting sleep.

Hot flashes and night sweats can be brought on by hot weather, as well as other causes such as hormonal changes, spicy foods or alcohol.  Anita L. of New Caney, Texas says: “I was having hot flashes every 30 minutes to an hour through the night and was so miserable. After about two weeks of taking the Sleep Minerals II, I noticed an incredible difference with my sleep. I have much less interruption from hot flashes, I‘m sleeping much better and I’m a lot more comfortable.”

Some other healthy advice would be to eat more of the calcium rich foods like cheese, almonds, spinach, parsley, beans, kale and broccoli.

In summary, make use of these tips to stay cool on hot summer nights, and you can also come up with some other similar ones of your own.  You’ll be happier the next day that you did!