Indoor Air Quality: Ways to Improve it for Good Health

air quality

In today’s fast-paced world, indoor air quality and the quality of the outdoor air, play a key role in our overall health.

The State of Tennessee Health Department says: “Breathing clean air can lessen the possibility of disease from stroke, heart disease, and lung cancer, as well as chronic and acute respiratory illnesses such as asthma.”

Studies have shown that breathing clean, healthy air can significantly boost mental clarity, improve sleep quality, and strengthen the immune system.

Whether you are inside your home or taking a break in nature, making mindful choices regarding air quality can make a dramatic impact on your well-being.

Indoor air is often more polluted than outdoor air, and exposure to harmful contaminants, allergens, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can compromise respiratory health. VOCs are found in paint, building materials, solvents, carpets, chemicals and more.

Air purifiers are one solution that can remove up to 99.97% of airborne particles, including dust, pollen, and mold spores, providing immediate relief for allergy sufferers (American Lung Association, 2021).

Installing high-quality air conditioning systems with HEPA filters can also help regulate temperature and humidity, reducing the risk of mold growth and ensuring that the air inside your home remains clean and fresh.

Sleeping in clean air is essential for restoring the body. Research shows that people who sleep in environments with cleaner air experience fewer disturbances and wake up more refreshed (Environmental Health Perspectives, 2020).

Keeping bedroom windows open for a short period each day or using air purifiers while sleeping helps reduce carbon dioxide levels, allowing the body to oxygenate more efficiently.

Outdoor activities also play a critical role in promoting lung health and reducing stress. Spending time outside in natural sunlight provides the body with vitamin D, which has been linked to improved immune function and mood regulation (The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 2019).

Grounding, or walking barefoot on the grass, has been shown to reduce inflammation, improve sleep, and balance the body’s natural rhythms by reconnecting with the earth’s electrons (Journal of Environmental and Public Health, 2012).

According to the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, “The possibility exists that magnesium deficiency contributes to pulmonary (lung) complications. During the past few years, there has been an increase in calcium consumption in the US population but little change in magnesium intake, which has caused an imbalance in the calcium: magnesium ratio.”

By combining good indoor air quality practices with time spent in nature and adequate intake of magnesium, you can promote a holistic approach to health and well-being. Taking steps to improve the air you breathe will help reduce respiratory issues, improve mental clarity, and support a strong immune system.

This natural health news is shared by Nutrition Breakthroughs, maker of the original and effective calcium and magnesium based sleep aid Sleep Minerals II, and Joints and More, a natural supplement for joint support, less aches and pains, stronger hair and nails, and more energy.

Friday Fun Facts on Nutrition – Issue #2

fun facts on nutritionWelcome back to another edition of our “Friday Fun Facts on Nutrition!” Get ready to be intrigued by some fascinating and little-known facts about food. Here’s to your enjoyment of a fun and nutritious Friday.

  1. Potatoes Were the First Food Grown in Space

In 1995, NASA and the University of Wisconsin collaborated to grow potatoes in space aboard the space shuttle Columbia. This experiment was part of a larger effort to develop sustainable food sources for long-term space missions. Talk about out-of-this-world nutrition.

Reference: Wheeler, R. M. (2010). Plants for human life support in space: From Myers to Mars. Gravitational and Space Biology Bulletin, 23(2), 25-35.

2. Bell Peppers Have More Vitamin C Than Oranges

While oranges are famous for their vitamin C content, bell peppers actually contain even more. A single cup of chopped red bell pepper provides nearly three times the vitamin C of an orange. Plus, they’re low in calories and rich in health-giving plant chemicals known as antioxidants, making them a perfect snack.

Reference: Howard, L. R., et al. (2000). Antioxidant activity and fruit quality changes in bell pepper. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 48(4), 1713-1720.

3. Avocados Are Actually Berries and Have Many Benefits

Surprise. Avocados are technically berries. They contain one large seed, fitting the botanical definition of a berry. Avocados are also nutritional powerhouses, full of healthy fats, fiber, potassium, and vitamins C, E, and K.

In addition, there are many studies showing the benefits of avocado for heart health, as well as for weight management and anti-aging effects.

Reference: Dreher, M. L., & Davenport, A. J. (2013). Hass avocado composition and potential health effects. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 53(7), 738-750.

Fun and Health Go Hand-in-Hand

Isn’t nutrition interesting? These fun facts on nutrition highlight the amazing world of food. Each Friday, we’ll bring you inspiring nutritional facts for your excellent health.

This health news is shared by Nutrition Breakthroughs, maker of the original calcium and magnesium based sleep aid Sleep Minerals II, and Joints and More, a natural supplement for joint relief, less aches and pains, stronger hair and nails, and more energy.

Top Five Healthy Food Choices

This natural health info on the top five healthy food choices is shared by Nutrition Breakthroughs, maker of the original calcium and magnesium based sleep aid Sleep Minerals II, and Joints and More, a natural supplement for joint relief, less aches and pains, stronger hair and nails, and more energy

healthy food

Friday Fun Facts on Nutrition – Issue #1

fun facts on nutritionGreetings to you,

Welcome to the first edition of our “Friday Fun Facts on Nutrition” series. Get ready to be intrigued and inspired by some fascinating and little-known tidbits about the food we eat.

  1. Carrots Were Originally Purple

Here’s a fun one: the original color of carrots was purple, not orange. Orange carrots were developed by Dutch farmers in the 17th century through selective breeding to honor the House of Orange (the royal family of the Netherlands). Purple carrots are still a popular option and are rich in plant chemicals that are healthy for the heart and act to delay cellular aging.

Reference: Simon, P. W. (2000). Domestication, Historical Development, and Modern Breeding of Carrot. Plant Breeding Reviews, 19, 157-190.

  1. Honey Never Spoils

Archaeologists have found pots of honey in ancient Egyptian tombs that are over 3,000 years old and still perfectly edible! Honey’s low water content and acidic pH create an inhospitable environment for bacteria, making it one of the few foods that can last indefinitely.

Reference: Snowdon, J. A., & Cliver, D. O. (1996). Microorganisms in honey. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 31(1-3), 1-26.

  1. Tomatoes Were Once Considered Poisonous

Believe it or not, during the 18th century, Europeans considered tomatoes to be poisonous. This was due to their similarity to the deadly belladonna nightshade herbal plant. It wasn’t until the late 1700s that tomatoes became a staple in the European diet. Today, they’re celebrated for their high vitamin C and lycopene content, a red-colored plant chemical which is good for the heart and can also help to slim the waistline.

References: 1. Rick, C. M. (1980). Tomato. Economic Botany, 34(2), 107-129.
2. A study on tomato juice from the China Medical University in Taiwan.

Fun and Health Go Hand-in-Hand

Join us next week for some more “Friday Fun Facts on Nutrition.”  Here’s to your good health and well-being.

This health news is shared by Nutrition Breakthroughs, maker of the original calcium and magnesium based sleep aid Sleep Minerals II, and Joints and More, a natural supplement for joint relief, less aches and pains, stronger hair and nails, and more energy.

5 New Years Health Tips from Nutrition Breakthroughs

new year health tipsNew Years Greetings to you! Here are five New Year health tips for increasing your good health in the New Year:

1. Choose healthy foods: Increase salads, cooked vegetables and raw fruits.  Eat healthy, preferably organic proteins such as grass-fed meat, wild Alaskan salmon, organic poultry, sardines, and organic eggs.  For carbs, the healthiest ones are veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, yams, squash and potatoes.  Drink lots of pure water in between meals.

2. Take a walk each day, or a couple of short walks.  This supports virtually every organ and system in your body to stay strong.  It also detoxifies impurities and ease aches and pains.

Walking is also proven to help good sleep and remedy insomnia.  Scientists suspect that walking helps to set our biological clock into a consistent sleep pattern.

Walking can also help increase “endorphins”, which are protein-like chemicals made in the brain that can have a relaxing effect, a pain-relieving effect, and also reduce stress and increase well-being.

Exercise such as walking may also be one of the most effective ways to reduce menopause symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia and heart symptoms, according to a study from the Annals (Journal) of Behavioral Medicine.

3. Take supplements:  Fish oil helps reduce inflammation and supports the eyes and brain; digestive enzymes increase absorption of foods and reduce gas; MSM remedies joint stiffness and arthritis, and Sleep Minerals II provides calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D in some highly usable forms to support good sleep.

4. Reduce stress.  Take breaks to do artistic or creative things that you enjoy.  When communicating with others, express things, and receive communications from people in a positive, upbeat way.

Support for stress can be found in certain vitamins.  The adrenal glands are known as the “stress glands”.  Vitamin B-5, also known as pantothenic acid, is used by the adrenal gland as a key component to manufacture its hormones.   A deficiency of B-5 can result in impaired adrenal function and more physical and mental stress.

Regarding vitamin C, the highest amounts of vitamin C in the body are found in the adrenals and this vitamin is used to make all of the various adrenal hormones. When one is faced with stress, vitamin C is rapidly used up.

5. Look to the future.  We’ve all done some great things in this year just past.  Let’s acknowledge our best achievements and take pride in them, and then turn our sights toward the year to come.  It’s a new canvas to paint our dreams on, so take out those brushes and create some masterpieces worthy of your signature!

Yours in good health,

Jobee Knight
Nutrition Breakthroughs
Maker of Sleep Minerals II

Nutrition Breakthroughs: To Your Good Health and Sleep for Holidays

christmasHoliday Greetings to you,

Nutrition Breakthroughs wishes you and your family the most festive, rewarding, pleasurable and healthy holiday season.  And here’s to the realization of your hopes and dreams and goals in the New Year.

Our purpose is to provide you with high quality nutrition articles and natural health products that contribute to your good health, energy, restful sleep and well-being.  Enjoy the season!

Best of health,

Jobee Knight
Nutrition Breakthroughs
Maker of Sleep Minerals II and Joints and More