Beyond Back Pain: Chiropractic Benefits Increase Overall Health

overall healthFor many people, chiropractic care conjures up images of spinal adjustments for back pain relief.

While that’s certainly a core strength of chiropractic, recent advancements in the field are revealing its potential to address a wider range of health concerns.

Here are some exciting developments on how chiropractic can support our overall health and well-being.

Integration with Traditional Medicine

The walls between chiropractic and traditional medicine are thinning.  A 2021 study from the Boston Medical Center Family Practice Journal found that over 70% of medical doctors in Canada reported collaborating with chiropractors for patient care. This collaborative approach allows for a wider treatment plan with more options, potentially reducing reliance on medications and improving long-term health outcomes.

Headaches and Migraines

Chronic headaches and migraines are a significant burden for many. A 2019 study published in the Journal of Headache and Pain found that chiropractic care was as effective as medication in reducing headache frequency. This offers a drug-free option for those seeking relief.

Improved Sleep Quality

A 2010 article in the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine offers some news for those having trouble getting a good night’s rest.  The article reports on studies that have found improvements in insomnia following hands-on chiropractic therapy. This is great news as better sleep can definitely have a ripple effect on a person’s overall health and well-being.

Enhanced Athletic Performance

Athletes that push their bodies can often experience aches and pains. A 2019 Research Gate review concluded that: “The use of chiropractic in sports can improve performance and reduce injury times in medical rehabilitation. Chiropractic in sports is therefore quite efficient.”

Chiropractors Working Alongside Nutritionists

Chiropractic care can be a valuable addition to a person’s overall health and wellness strategy. When combined with a balanced diet, it can lead to significant improvements in health. A chiropractor and nutritionist can work together to create a personalized plan that addresses a person’s unique needs.

For instance, a focus on anti-inflammatory foods can complement and enhance chiropractic care for pain management, immunity, heart health, and other benefits. Some of these foods include berries, nuts, broccoli, salmon, sardines, cooked vegetables, olive oil and leafy greens.

Real-World Examples

Imagine Sarah, a busy marketing professional who suffers from frequent headaches and neck pain. Chiropractic adjustments, combined with ergonomic workstation adjustments, could help improve her posture, reduce nerve irritation, and alleviate her headaches.

For John, an avid runner experiencing leg pain, chiropractic care could address joint misalignments, improve flexibility, and potentially enhance his running performance.


Chiropractic care is evolving beyond its traditional roots.  Research suggests it can be a valuable tool for managing a variety of health concerns while promoting overall health and well-being.  If you’re looking for a drug-free, natural, and effective approach to greater health, consider chiropractic care in combination with good nutrition.

This health news is shared by Nutrition Breakthroughs, maker of the original calcium and magnesium based sleep remedy Sleep Minerals II, and Joints and More, a natural supplement for joint relief, less aches and pains, stronger hair and nails, and more energy.

Benefits of Chiropractic Therapy for Good Health

chiropractic careIn recent times, our society has been oriented to the medical approaches of drugs and surgeries for its health needs.

Currently, there is a shift and evolution toward a more natural health approach.  Remedies are being embraced that effectively enhance the body’s innate ability to rejuvenate and heal.

The benefits of chiropractic care are becoming more widely known and are growing in popularity.  Good nutrition, natural remedies, and health supplements are in greater demand.

Theory of Chiropractic Care: Improving Nervous System Function

The nervous system of the body is made up of the brain, spinal cord and nerves.  These nerves then extend throughout the entire body.  This system sends messages between the brain and other parts of the body, with electrical signals that initiate breathing, moving, talking, and chiropractic caremuch more.

Misalignments in the spine, known as subluxations, can press on the nerves and impede these communications, leading to health issues in the areas and organs served by the nerves.

A study in the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine demonstrated that chiropractic adjustments positively impact the nervous system, promoting better overall health and reducing stress. Patients often report improvements in sleep, mood, and well-being.

The Backbone of Wellness:

At the core of chiropractic care is the understanding that the spine plays a pivotal role in general health. Research published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics highlights the effectiveness of chiropractic adjustments in relieving pain and improving functionality for individuals suffering from chronic back pain. By realigning the bones of the spine, chiropractors can alleviate nerve interference and promote the body’s ability to heal.

Enhancing Joint Function:

Beyond spinal health, chiropractic care extends its benefits to the entire musculoskeletal system (muscles, bones and joints). A study in the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine found that chiropractic treatment significantly improved joint function and reduced inflammation in patients with hip osteoarthritis. This approach fosters mobility and flexibility, enabling individuals to lead more active and fulfilling lives.

Immune System Boost:

Chiropractic care isn’t just about addressing pain; it’s about empowering the body to function optimally. Research suggests that chiropractic adjustments can enhance and improve natural immunity. By removing interference in the nervous system, the body is better equipped to defend against illnesses, promoting resilience and vitality.

chiropractic careSupporting Organs for Optimal Function:

Several organs benefit from chiropractic care. The heart, for instance, may benefit from improved blood circulation resulting from chiropractic adjustments. Research in the Journal of Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine suggests that chiropractic care positively influence cardiovascular health.

Nutritional Support for Chiropractic Wellness:

Nutrition plays an important role in supporting the body’s healing processes and maximizing the benefits of chiropractic care. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish oil supplements and many types of fish, have been shown to reduce inflammation and support joint health. Additionally, incorporating nutrient-rich foods like berries, leafy greens, raw nuts, avocado, mushrooms and artichokes into one’s diet can further enhance the body’s ability to heal and recover.

Magnesium, an essential mineral, is another ally in the quest for overall health. It plays a crucial role in muscle function and relaxation. A deficiency in magnesium can contribute to muscle tension, which may be alleviated through chiropractic care. Including magnesium-rich foods like almonds, spinach, and bananas in your diet can complement the benefits of chiropractic adjustments.

Vitamin D, known as the “sunshine vitamin,” is vital for bone health and immune function. Research in the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine suggests a potential link between vitamin D deficiency and musculoskeletal pain. Adequate sun exposure and incorporating vitamin D-rich foods like fatty fish (salmon, sardines), eggs, and mushrooms can contribute to the success of chiropractic care.

Choosing Innate Body Healing for Lower Back Pain:

Lower back pain is a widespread condition in the United States.  People who suffer with this may undergo costly treatments like injections, surgeries, and emergency hospital visits in an attempt to find some relief.  Use of chiropractic care or physical therapy has been found to reduce expensive healthcare visits and lower the costs.

A research study published in the journal “Healthcare” discovered that chiropractic care is a cost-effective alternative when compared with physical therapy.  The study involved adults with at least three weeks of lower back pain over a six-month period.

Choosing Benefits of Chiropractic Therapy Over Surgery:

In a world where pharmaceuticals and surgeries are often considered the default solutions, chiropractic care stands as a truly comparable alternative. A study in the journal “Manipulative Physiological Therapy” demonstrated that chiropractic was as effective as surgery for sciatica.  Sciatica is defined as pain in the back, hip or leg, caused by compression of a spinal nerve.

When two treatment groups were created and chiropractic therapy was compared with spinal disc surgery, significant improvement was seen in both patient groups.  The study concluded: “Sixty percent of patients with sciatica who had failed other medical management, benefited from spinal manipulation to the same degree as if they underwent surgical intervention.”


Chiropractic care isn’t just another treatment; it’s a celebration of the body’s incredible capacity to heal and thrive. Scientific studies consistently support the positive impact of chiropractic adjustments on various aspects of health, from spinal alignment, to the health of the organs, to immune system function. By embracing chiropractic and incorporating supportive nutrition, individuals can unlock the door to greatly increased health and well-being.

This health news is shared by Nutrition Breakthroughs, maker of the original calcium and magnesium based sleep aid Sleep Minerals II, and Joints and More, a natural supplement for joint relief, less aches and pains, and more energy.

Top 3 Anti Inflammatory Foods for Better Sleep, Good Health

anti inflammatory foodsThe Top 3 Anti Inflammatory Foods for Better Sleep and Good Health

Inflammation comes into play in our bodies when bacteria, viruses, damaged cells or unhealthy substances are recognized and attacked by our immune system.  Without immunity and inflammation, healing would not take place.

This system defends our health and is made up of white blood cells called “lymphocyte cells”, “natural killer cells” and others – many of which originate in the bone marrow and then travel in the blood to organs and tissues.

In a healthy body, inflammation smooths the healing process but for some people, the body can become confused and begin to mount a defense against its own tissues.  This can lead to arthritis, celiac disease, irritable bowel disease and other “autoimmune” conditions.  In fact, inflammation has been shown to be at the root of the majority of health conditions we face such as heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and more.

Eating naturally anti-inflammatory foods can reduce the symptoms of inflammation and disease and help to repair and heal the body.  Here are the top three food-based anti inflammatory foods.

Vitamin D Foods

Vitamin D has been the subject of many studies for its potent anti-inflammation properties.  The foods highest in vitamin D include sardines, wild caught salmon, mackerel, herring, maitake mushrooms, cod liver oil, and organic vitamin D fortified milk and yogurt.

A study from the Journal of Investigative Medicine found that vitamin D has important functions beyond those of supporting calcium and bones in the body.  It concluded that vitamin D is a boost to immunity and a deficiency is common in autoimmune disease, where the body’s immune system attacks healthy cells by mistake.

Vitamin D has also been studied for its benefits with sleeplessness and insomnia. The results of a vitamin D study was published in a recent issue of the journal “Medical Hypothesis”.  The researchers followed 1500 patients over a 2 year period. A consistent level of vitamin D was maintained in their blood over many months.

This produced normal sleep in most of the participants, regardless of their type of sleep disorder, which suggests that many types of insomnia may share the same cause.  During the research, the authors discovered the presence of high concentrations of vitamin D “receiving sites” or “receptors” in those areas of the brain that are related to the onset and maintenance of sleep.


A recent research study in the journal “Nutrients” has a lot of good things to say about the benefits of walnuts.  The authors say: “Walnuts could be predicted to be more anti inflammatory than other nuts for two reasons. First, walnuts are the only nuts that contain substantial amounts of ALA (alpha-linolenic acid is a kind of omega-3 fatty acid found in plants).

ALA is described as one of the more anti-inflammatory fatty acids. And second, walnuts are also particularly rich in ellagic acid (a natural plant chemical found in fruits and vegetables), which has shown potent anti-inflammatory properties in experimental studies.”

Eating a handful of walnuts before bedtime may also be a good way to soothe sleeplessness and insomnia due to the melatonin they contain. Russel Reiter, Ph.D., a professor of cellular biology at the University of Texas says: “Relatively few foods have been examined for their melatonin content. Our studies demonstrate that walnuts contain melatonin, that it is absorbed when it is eaten, and that it improves our ability to resist the stress caused by toxic molecules. Walnuts also contain large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to inhibit certain types of cancer and to keep the heart healthy.”

Olive oil

Oleic acid is the main fatty acid found in olive oil.  This substance has been shown to greatly reduce levels of inflammation in the body.  A study from the “Current Pharmaceutical Design” journal writes that “Chronic inflammation is a critical factor in the development of many inflammatory disease states including cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, degenerative joint diseases and neurodegenerative diseases. Popular methods to deal with inflammation and its associated symptoms involve the use of non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, however the use of these drugs are associated with severe side effects.”

”Therefore, investigations concerned with natural methods of inflammatory control are warranted. A traditional Mediterranean diet has been shown to confer some protection against chronic diseases through the reduction of pro-inflammatory foods and this has been partially attributed to the high intake of virgin olive oil in this diet. Virgin olive oil contains numerous compounds that exert potent anti-inflammatory actions.”

The anti-inflammatory effects of olive oil also extend to brain health and it’s known to help with depression and insomnia.  Olive oil can help balance hormones and keep the neurotransmitters in the brain functioning well. Neurotransmitters are those molecules that keep the cellular communications moving.

In another study from the journal “Nutrients” researchers found that people who eat a Mediterranean diet of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, olive oil, legumes and fish have better sleep quality.  In fact, the authors said that “exclusion of no individual component, besides olive oil, showed significant association with the aspects of sleep quality, including sleep duration and efficiency. This suggests that olive oil may play an independent role in sleep quality.”

Olive may accomplish this benefit to good sleep by stabilizing blood sugar levels, calming the heart, inducing relaxation, and cleansing the body of toxins,

Other top anti-inflammation foods include broccoli, green leafy vegetables, blueberries, bok choi, pineapple, coconut oil, turmeric, ginger, wild salmon, beets, garlic, oysters, yogurt and other probiotic dairy foods.  Enjoy a wide variety of them to reduce inflammation, increase overall health, and ensure a good, sound sleep.

This natural health news is provided by Nutrition Breakthroughs, a publisher of nutrition articles and supplier of natural remedies since 2002. Nutrition Breakthroughs makes Sleep Minerals II, the effective natural sleep aid with calcium, magnesium, zinc and vitamin D, and also Joints and More, the natural solution for joint relief, aches and pains, stronger hair and nails and more energy.

What is the most effective natural anti inflammatory?

Vitamin D rich foods such as sardines, wild caught salmon, mackerel, herring, cod liver oil, and organic vitamin D fortified milk and yogurt. Other top ones include natural fats like walnuts and especially olive oil. Additional foods are broccoli, green leafy vegetables, blueberries, pineapple, coconut oil, turmeric, ginger, beets, garlic and oysters.

Can anti inflammatory foods help arthritis?

In a healthy body, inflammation smooths the healing process but for some people, the body can become confused and begin to mount a defense against its own tissues. This can lead to arthritis, celiac disease, irritable bowel disease and other “autoimmune” conditions. Eating naturally anti inflammatory foods can reduce the symptoms of inflammation and help to repair and heal the body.

Do anti inflammatory foods work?

One study from Italy found that an anti inflammatory Mediterranean-type diet reduces inflammation in women with diabetes and also provides cardiovascular benefits and healthier insulin sensitivity. A Mediterranean diet focuses mostly on vegetables, fruit, whole grains, olive oil, legumes and fish. Virgin olive oil in particular, contains numerous compounds that exert potent anti-inflammatory actions in the body.