True Story #1: How Nutrition Breakthroughs Started

nutrition breakthroughsGreetings to you,

This is Jobee Knight from Nutrition Breakthroughs. Thanks for being a reader of the natural health discoveries I share.  Today I have a different story to share with you.

It’s the true story of how Nutrition Breakthroughs started.  Let me know what you think of it!

My journey into the natural health field began a couple of decades ago when I was the public relations director for a computer software company.

I was always writing press releases about our latest software version and what a “breakthrough” it was and how fantastic its great new features were.

I had always been interested in nutrition and had experienced great benefits from eating good foods and taking natural supplements.  It was amazing to me that a supplement could have such beneficial effects.

I decided I would create a website called “Nutrition Breakthroughs”, similar to all the computer “breakthroughs” I had been writing about.

Nutrition Breakthroughs would have easy to understand articles about natural remedies that worked and actually helped people to improve their health.

It would also provide natural supplements that would be so effective, people would not need to turn to drugs for relief and would heal naturally.

So I bought my first computer on credit, bought an easy website designer on the internet, put up the website, and Nutrition Breakthroughs was born!

So far, it has lived up to it’s original vision with its natural health articles and effective supplements for better sleep and pain-free joints.

So now it’s your turn! I would love to hear from you. Is there something you have always wanted to do in your life to improve your career or your health, but haven’t known which steps to take to bring it into reality?

Send me an email at I check this inbox myself and I may not reply to each message, but I do read each one.  It helps me to provide good information that is of interest.

Here’s to your good health, good sleep and long life.

Jobee Knight
Nutrition Breakthroughs
Maker of Sleep Minerals II and Joints and More

True Story #2 – How I Came To Do What I Do

Greetings to you,

This is Jobee from Nutrition Breakthroughs. Thanks for reading my articles on natural health discoveries, health tips, and remedies.

This is #2 in a series that describes the story of how Nutrition Breakthroughs started and how it’s health articles and supplements came into being.

Around the time that Nutrition Breakthroughs started a couple decades ago, I was living in the Los Angeles area. An opportunity came up for me to do some courses that I really wanted to do in Florida.

I decided to take the trip there – all the way to another coast that I’d never been to before. In order to get the most out of my studies, it was important that I eat well, feel healthy and get a lot of restful sleep.

The only thing interfering with this is that I was unable to get hardly any sleep at all in anticipation of the trip. I got on the plane anyway for the 6 or 7 hour flight, including layovers. The plane touched down in Tampa and I had finally arrived.

As far as my sleep went in Florida, I continued to wake up several times during the night and had tremendous difficulty falling back asleep. I had studied in my nutritional research that calcium and magnesium could help people relax and sleep more deeply.

I searched around and found a product that had these minerals in it and it was formulated in a softgel with oils for better absorption. I began to take it, sometimes every hour during the night when I woke up. It started making a big difference.

I would take one of these often during the night and actually be able to go back to sleep. This was the beginning of a major advancement for Nutrition Breakthroughs. (Although not every sleep aid should be taken this frequently)!

If a supplement like this could actually help me with severe insomnia, would it be worth it for me to create a similar one for my company Nutrition Breakthroughs and help others who have this problem to sleep better too?

Tune in to the next blog article and read it to find out!

So now it’s your turn. I would love to hear from you. Was there ever a similar thing that happened to you where you were so pleased to find a natural remedy that actually worked?

Let me know by sending an email to I check this inbox myself and I may not reply to each message, but I do read each one. It helps me to provide good information that is of interest.

Here’s to your good health and good sleep.

Jobee Knight
Nutrition Breakthroughs

The Top Five Major Health Benefits of Yogurt

benefits of yogurtGreetings to you,

Can yogurt actually help with better sleep, weight loss, bone strength and immunity?  Read on to find out!

Yogurt’s healthy bacteria are known as probiotics. The benefits of yogurt include helping with good sleep, assisting weight loss, improving digestion, reducing risk of diabetes, lowering cholesterol and stimulating a stronger immune system.  Here are some of the studies:

Yogurt for Stomach Health

One study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that consuming yogurt or the beneficial bacteria from it, has promising health benefits for many conditions and increases the body’s immunity and ability to fight off infections. A variety of conditions were shown to improve including constipation, diarrhea, inflammatory bowel disease, candida, stomach bacteria infections and allergies.

Bone Strength from Yogurt

A study on yogurt was published in the journal “Archives of Osteoporosis”. It reviewed the ability of yogurt to strengthen bones and found that milk and yogurt are the best dairy choices for increasing bone mineral density in the hip.

Yogurt and Good Sleep

Yogurt is also a great choice to eat in the evening to help with sleep due to the high amount of calcium it contains. The beneficial bacteria in yogurt has also been studied for its ability to create a deeper, longer-lasting sleep.

A 2017 study from the journal “Beneficial Microbes” tested the benefits of yogurt probiotics on the quality of sleep.  The researchers concluded: “These findings suggest that daily consumption of the Lactobacillus casei strain may help to maintain sleep quality during a period of increasing stress.”  As a note, this particular strain is included in virtually all of the most popular yogurt brands.

Regarding the calcium in dairy products, William Sears, M.D. writes: “Calcium helps the brain use the amino acid tryptophan to manufacture the sleep-inducing substance melatonin. This explains why dairy products, which contain both tryptophan and calcium, are one of the top sleep-inducing foods.”

Plain, unsweetened yogurt is healthiest and Greek yogurt is a great, high-protein choice. Fresh fruit can be added as a natural sweetener.

Yogurt and Weight Loss

Yogurt is a boost to weight loss. A healthy supplement similar to the acidophilus used in yogurt was recently found in a Canadian study to help overweight women lose weight and keep it off.  It was discovered that the supplement made the intestinal wall stronger and more able to prevent inflammatory, obesity-causing substances from passing into the intestine and entering the bloodstream.

Immunity Boosting Yogurt

Yogurt is great for strengthening and boosting one’s immunity against infection and illness per studies in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.  In particular, yogurt with the Lactobacillus bulgaricus form has been shown to reduce the frequency of colds in older adults after they ate it over a twelve-week period.  This is another commonly used form of probiotic that’s widely-available in yogurts.

This news is shared with you by Nutrition Breakthroughs, a provider of natural health articles and effective natural remedies since 2001. Nutrition Breakthroughs makes the original calcium and magnesium based natural sleep aid Sleep Minerals II, as well as Joints and More, the natural solution for joint relief, aches and pains, stronger hair and nails, and more energy.

For More Info on Sleep Minerals II Visit Here