About Nutrition Breakthroughs

nutrition breakthroughsA Message from the President of Nutrition Breakthroughs

Thanks for visiting our site and feel free to stop by often for the latest natural health news. The purpose of Nutrition Breakthroughs is to provide natural health supplements that actually work and assist people to avoid any addiction or side effects from taking drugs.

An additional mission is to provide valuable nutrition articles and information that is based on scientific research and is easy to understand. All for the goal of improved health and well-being for many people.

My name is Jobee Knight and I am an active independent nutritional researcher and writer. I consider myself lucky to have experienced firsthand the healing benefits that natural products can offer, and I founded Nutrition Breakthroughs to bring these benefits to as many other people as possible. A team of able technicians support me in the management of this site.

In the past, I’ve enjoyed writing on many different topics for national magazines and newspapers. Some of my greatest rewards have come from professional nutritional writing. I’ve completed courses in public relations and I attended Pierce College in Woodland Hills California, majoring in advertising art.

Here’s to your ever-increasing health, energy and vitality and may it support and fuel you to the achievement of all your dreams.

Feel free to contact Nutrition Breakthroughs:

E-mail: Info@NutritionBreakthroughs.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nutritionbreakthroughs/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jobeeknight
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jobee-knight-210a9128
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/nutritionpins/